About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New doll wishes

I hate it when I get like this.  I want to plan a new doll or have a new doll or SOMETHING.  But nothing is grabbing me. It's been an ongoing issue, especially with Lori so far out of reach yet again.  And worse yet a lot of owner pics are starting to change my mind about Yao.  I don't know what I'd do with her but I'm liking her more and more.  But she's much like Song.  I -LIKE- the head but I have no USE for the head.  Honestly my little clan that I have planned is pretty complete at the moment.  I have the fawn and her dryad lover, Cassie, Val and their baby, and the three fairies.  I suppose the only thing that would add more dolls to my list is if the new hooved boy turns out super fab and I end up "having" to have him.  Then perhaps Yao will find a place in my dolls.  Perhaps he would be a satyr, or Forrest king and she would be his elven servant, just defiant enough to make her fun to oppress.  Or he might be a demon and she his succubus cohort...

Either way, it's all hinging on me not just liking.. but LOVING the new male sculpt.  The demon is pretty much no chance, I'd need a beefy boy and the new male body is just too scrawny.  The Satyr thing could work with a devious enough face, but it's so unlikely *sigh*  I'm even starting to like Li who, truth be told, I hated when she came out.  Yes, she was pretty, but I couldn't bring myself to say more than that for her.  now I'm a little more open to her, she's pretty but still not for me.  Doesn't stop her from being FASCINATING since my sister is planning on making her a dark unicorn.  Worse yet there's supposed to be a female 1/6th sized doll coming out "soon but not too soon" So that's sounding like fall. It's supposed to have a new body... and I'm just like... fingers crossed that I like the new head and that the new body isn't super different.  Cus I'm thinking that there's a chance... Lotus might end up having to be reshelled.  I LOVE her as a Bei... but she's sooo sweet looking, and if there's a more mature body... and a more adult looking head... crap.  I'm sunk.  This girl will have to be died purple and become my purple fairy and then Lotus will get a new body and new head.  If it's only one or the other... I might get away with just getting a new body... but yea.  *siiiigh*

Maybe I should just name my fawn and dryad >.< any ideas?

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