About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Marius Impero

Nickname: Prince or Marius
Head: Ming
Body: RS MSD dragon boy (sui)
Resin: Dark grey
Face up: By me (metalic?  maybe blue or red?  Not sure)
Eyes:  Safrin doll Solar eclipse 16mm
Hair: He might actually have a fur wig, but if he does have a yarn wig like the rest of my resins, he'll have dreads in a complimentary color, Maybe even white or grey.
Extras:  Horns, probably the Ming horns, and then whatever they come out with for the 1/4 size dragon bits.
Story:  Marius Impero is the Dragon Prince, he's the son of a dragon that rules the forest that  most of my fantasy dolls live in.  He's spoiled and headstrong but fairly reasonable so long as you don't challenge him.  He's been gifted a lesser dragon concubine named Rosaline who is his devout servant and lover.  She's birthed (at least)one child (looking like it'll be a female red dragon child).  He has an affection for her and is protective of her but doesn't particularly respect her person-hood in any way shape or form, she's like a beloved pet or prized toy.

History:  He started off as a ming, just a regular ming, still was a prince of the forest but he was a satyr, he was going to have an "elven" concubine.  Then Pixiu came out and I got wind that resinsoul was thinking about making an adult dragon doll and I about shat myself.  I was already reeling with my brain demanding a pixiu in my collection, then when I found out about the 1/4 stuff everything started falling into place.  I had never really liked Rosaline as a normal skin doll, I felt it was just too plain, even if it would work ok, I wanted her to be pink but it didn't make that much sense... I'd kept leaning towards her being pink.  This fixed it all, Pixiu would be their son (cus there were no females) and they'd both be dragons.
*Now Marius has been ordered by mom, a xmas present, and up till this point he hadn't been named.  I still  don't know a lot of his particulars like blushing colors, wig and eye colors.
*Marius is much more solid visually now.  Instead of yellow or red eyes he's got orange and purple safrin doll eyes, He's got a purple and grey wig instead of just grey or white like I'd originally assumed.  I'm going to be blushing him soon and my plan is copper and purple.
Relpated/connected Dolls
Rosaline       Servant        Her page
Zaria            Daughter      Her page

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