About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Big Sigh

Ok I've posted about this on my forum a couple of times but crap I just need to center my irritation in a single place.

Feather Fall

Feather Fall is a distributer of BJD's that sells Resin Soul dolls and the original RS sculpt "Iruhi"

Feather Fall has been irritating the everloving SHIT out of me for a while.  It's not just one little thing.  First I find out that they -will not- be ordering any dolls in Dark tan resin... which in it's self wouldn't be a big deal.  There reason was the problem.. No it's not because sometimes the DT comes with white stuff on it or can be uneven color... it was because they ordered the Iruhi in DT as a LE, and want the DT to be "special"... Ok... OK >.> What ever.  You're dicks I get it.  Then very recently they announced that "HEY! we have a SPECIAL new doll coming out.  And they were being SOOO hush hush.  What was the doll?  Bao head on the Dog body.  Yea... their special doll is a doll ANYONE CAN ORDER.... AT ANY TIME!!!  If I were to email Sun a week from now and request something stupid like a doll with a head they don't think works on it... they will send it to me.  If I were to ask them to send me half a doll... they would do it...

So A month or whenever they no longer will order more "Charm"s (oh.. yea.. that's what they called the damn thing... CHARM)  I could email Sun and be like "Hey.. Bao head on the Dog body?  I can has?"  more than likely Sun will be like...  "Oh! yea what color?"  It's like Feather Fall doesn't know what their customer base, WE know that it's not Limited edition.  You're not going to fool most of us.  Maybe some one who is too new to BJD's to know how RS and BBB work... But those of us who have talked to Sun... we know better... and so does Feather Fall.  And that's what REALLY pisses me off.  They are trying to scam people into believing that they have something special... when it's just NORMAL stuff.  They'll probably charge extra for it.  At which point I will have lost any will to do anything with Feather fall... EVER.  Like ever ever...

But yea.  I guess I might not be getting my "some day"/lotto winner pukisha puki puki from them after all.

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