About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Late night and clear resin

Ok, so it's like 4 am... I woke up with a nightmare that I was dead and in purgatory, And I really don't wanna think about it, best way to do that... Dolls.  So Lets start with what's been going on.

So back at the mega meetup we met up with numerous people, and ended up getting commissions from a couple people.  So that was really cool, cus mom will actually do stuff that she needs to do.  She and Ron are currently stuck home but rather than working on doll stuff right now we're gearing up for Halloween, which is cool.  We got both commissions done and got a hell of a lot of new Ideas.  We had just two types of coats.  A long coat (with skirt) and a short coat (no skirt).  Now we have at least 4 things we are going to do, cus we now have a caplet (hood with smaller skirt attached to it) and a just hood.  I need to get off my butt and make more jewelry but there's always something more pressing that I'm much more interested in.  Though we did get the etsy shop up and going, not that anything has happened on it but yea.

Next item, yesterday the sister showed me something that is wallet damning... Resin Soul is offering clear resin now... That they will mix with regular resin half way.... Oh my lord my head has been spinning with what I should add to my list.  Now... Lets be clear, I don't mind adding to my list... but right now it's kinda long but getting shortish.  At present I am actually planning on making Val over this year, which he ended up being a whole new doll for me, and Biggun plans on buying his old body and turning that into his brother, which I'm totally cool with.  But so after him I've got just 3 more dolls on my list... and one impulse baby to deal with.  Pretty much that means I've got 4 years until I'm out of dolls... will I probably come up with more dolls to make?  Probably.  If not do I have a backup plan?  You bet I do.  Does that still make me feel like I could be allowed to put more dolls on my list?  You know it.

Back to this clear resin... So Here I am, thinking... Man, all the possibilities..  Ghost dolls?  Carve on that dollie and make something incredible?  maybe... If it can be tinted, Elemental dolls!  How cool would that be?  Make a fire elemental doll?  Or a water?  Air?  So many possibilities!  None of them are really grabbing me atm, I'm still stuck on wanting the female dragon to come out so maybe that's what's going on with me.

And I mentioned my little impulse buy, The he/she/it dragon from mushroom peddler?  Ok so it's a wyvern but it looks very bat like... Soooo... His name is Koda, I'm going to do his colors pretty much all in pear and I plan on his "soft" parts being colored in a champaine/pink gold color and his "hard" parts done in a blue/purple color, I like the marbles they used for his eyes, I think that works well, I just need to find better colored marbles for him cus I don't really like the black red ones he's got. Unsure if I'm going to make the eyes his soft color, his hard color or a mix between the two.  IDK.  but he's chillin on the shelf nearby.

Ok, I think I've got enough to think about to put me back to sleep, so here's hoping that I can stay on the nice, dolly shit that I've got in my brain so I can sleep more... If not... Crochet on the couch.

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