So if you've looked at the doll profiles you may have noticed the little... pixel things... on the side of most of them.. them by me Blog dolls. They are a fairly accurate rendition of the dolls I own or plan to own (or have helped come to be blah blah) out of pixel art. Now lots of other people do waaay cooler stuff with pixels than me... Make no mistakes, I'm REALLY aware that they are fairly sub par. BUT I love them... hard core. and I thought, since I've been making so many of them lately, and not all of them have profiles here, well I wanted to show them off all together.
the wonder of this is that the males are taller than the chicks.. the 1/6ths one is her "correct" height and the baby doll is painstakingly pixeled to her correct proportions of tiny as hell. I've been considering doubling the size of the dolls but i think that will actually make them too big. I might start it out with Cassie and decide if I like the new size >.>
either way.. TIME FOR SHOWA! then more pixeling >.>
About Me
- Lynn Nexus
- So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Head: Modded Fei
Body:Resin Soul Single jointed
Resin: Lavender
Face up: By Me
Eyes: Safrin Doll custom eyes, Natural night sea lightened up and with a purple/black milky pupil
Hair: Multi colored Upon multi colored. Brown, grey, tan, charcol and hints of dark mauve
Extras: Gonna mod her eyes open.
Story: This is Saties lover. She once was a normal Dryad then her tree died, some how she survived and became a deadwood dryad. The life that sustains it's self on decomposition kept her going, she protects what wilts so that a new blossom can grow. She's lucky to have Satie around, Satie found her while she was weak and helped her hide from some outsiders who thought she was an undead. The pair have been nearly inseparable ever since.
History:While I havn't gotten her yet, Originally this doll was going to be a forest fairy with a bei and a bao as her back up... then... well I discovered that the Lilac resin was not all that purple. Still wanting a doll in the resin color even though I couldn't think of what i could do with it I back burnered it. Then one day at work I was trying to decide what color to make my little fairies and the "deadwood Dryad" thing just jumped into my head and solidified the crap out of it's self. And thats how she got to be what she is ^_^.
* So She came in just fine, except her eye walls were super thin. I was able to mod them open but it took way too much of the structure out of her eyes and I had to ask for another head. Was able to get the second head modded and she's looking great!
Related/connected Dolls
Satie Girlfriend Her post
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Old profile
Nickname: None yetMold
Head: Yao
Body: Resin Soul double jointed mature bust
Resin: Either pink or natural skin
Face up:By me
Eyes: It will be a rather "natural" color Perhaps brown
Hair: I'll have to pick her skin first.
Extras: She's probably gonna get pierced to hell, and I KNOW she's going to get tatted to hell.
Story: she's an elf captured by the prince and turned into his slave/servant
History: Not yet purchased
Related/connected Dolls
The Prince Her Master His page
The Prince
Old profile
Nickname: none yetMold
Head: Ming
Body: Resin Soul double jointed male with beast legs
Resin: Not 100% about this yet, either light grey, dark grey or red.
Face up: By me
Eyes: Undecided
Hair: Will depend on resin color, but likely green
Extras: He's likely going to end up with horns. Horn type is still in question.
Story: The prince of the forest... Other than that >.> nooot sure
History: yet to be purchased
Related/connected Dolls
Servant servant Her page
I'm sooo in trouble.
So RS put out their new hooved boy... and I'm smitten. I looked at him and I about exploded. I love him. I'm smitten. If you look to the side of this blog and look at the "planned" list there are two new names on there. He is "The Prince" And he LOOKS like a prince of the forest. I'm so introuble because a Prince needs to have a servant to attend him.... So now I added a Ming (the new boy) and a Yao to my list... and it's just TERRIBLE I don't have enough money for even ONE doll... not even one HEAD, Let alone two new ones on my list. And I'm just smitten. I think he looks so neat... and he's got this young expressive face... T_T Worse yet He's got new hands... So.. Val has more new hands he needs T_T I'm soo screwed...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Big Sigh
Ok I've posted about this on my forum a couple of times but crap I just need to center my irritation in a single place.
Feather Fall
Feather Fall is a distributer of BJD's that sells Resin Soul dolls and the original RS sculpt "Iruhi"
Feather Fall has been irritating the everloving SHIT out of me for a while. It's not just one little thing. First I find out that they -will not- be ordering any dolls in Dark tan resin... which in it's self wouldn't be a big deal. There reason was the problem.. No it's not because sometimes the DT comes with white stuff on it or can be uneven color... it was because they ordered the Iruhi in DT as a LE, and want the DT to be "special"... Ok... OK >.> What ever. You're dicks I get it. Then very recently they announced that "HEY! we have a SPECIAL new doll coming out. And they were being SOOO hush hush. What was the doll? Bao head on the Dog body. Yea... their special doll is a doll ANYONE CAN ORDER.... AT ANY TIME!!! If I were to email Sun a week from now and request something stupid like a doll with a head they don't think works on it... they will send it to me. If I were to ask them to send me half a doll... they would do it...
So A month or whenever they no longer will order more "Charm"s (oh.. yea.. that's what they called the damn thing... CHARM) I could email Sun and be like "Hey.. Bao head on the Dog body? I can has?" more than likely Sun will be like... "Oh! yea what color?" It's like Feather Fall doesn't know what their customer base, WE know that it's not Limited edition. You're not going to fool most of us. Maybe some one who is too new to BJD's to know how RS and BBB work... But those of us who have talked to Sun... we know better... and so does Feather Fall. And that's what REALLY pisses me off. They are trying to scam people into believing that they have something special... when it's just NORMAL stuff. They'll probably charge extra for it. At which point I will have lost any will to do anything with Feather fall... EVER. Like ever ever...
But yea. I guess I might not be getting my "some day"/lotto winner pukisha puki puki from them after all.
Feather Fall
Feather Fall is a distributer of BJD's that sells Resin Soul dolls and the original RS sculpt "Iruhi"
Feather Fall has been irritating the everloving SHIT out of me for a while. It's not just one little thing. First I find out that they -will not- be ordering any dolls in Dark tan resin... which in it's self wouldn't be a big deal. There reason was the problem.. No it's not because sometimes the DT comes with white stuff on it or can be uneven color... it was because they ordered the Iruhi in DT as a LE, and want the DT to be "special"... Ok... OK >.> What ever. You're dicks I get it. Then very recently they announced that "HEY! we have a SPECIAL new doll coming out. And they were being SOOO hush hush. What was the doll? Bao head on the Dog body. Yea... their special doll is a doll ANYONE CAN ORDER.... AT ANY TIME!!! If I were to email Sun a week from now and request something stupid like a doll with a head they don't think works on it... they will send it to me. If I were to ask them to send me half a doll... they would do it...
So A month or whenever they no longer will order more "Charm"s (oh.. yea.. that's what they called the damn thing... CHARM) I could email Sun and be like "Hey.. Bao head on the Dog body? I can has?" more than likely Sun will be like... "Oh! yea what color?" It's like Feather Fall doesn't know what their customer base, WE know that it's not Limited edition. You're not going to fool most of us. Maybe some one who is too new to BJD's to know how RS and BBB work... But those of us who have talked to Sun... we know better... and so does Feather Fall. And that's what REALLY pisses me off. They are trying to scam people into believing that they have something special... when it's just NORMAL stuff. They'll probably charge extra for it. At which point I will have lost any will to do anything with Feather fall... EVER. Like ever ever...
But yea. I guess I might not be getting my "some day"/lotto winner pukisha puki puki from them after all.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Head: Rong
Body: Resinsoul Double jointed, Mature bust, with beast legs
Resin: Dark tan skin
Face up: By me
Eyes: Safrin Doll Caribbean 16mm
Hair: Yarn Wig by me. it'll be brown white and black.
Extras: I'm not totally sure yet but she will at least have a tail and possibly horns. Not sure yet on if I'm going to find resin ones, or if I'm just gonna make them out of what's handy.
Story: Satie's story is still being worked on, but so far, she saved a dryad from death when her tree died. Now the two are gf's. Satie is a pretty outgoing, energetic, protective person who enjoys music like no other. Me thinks she's going to have some instraments if I can find them...
History: When I first saw the Rong head I thought "that looks funny with those ears... You know what she'd look good as? A fawn. Those are deer ears. But she'd need hooved legs." then wouldn't you know it, they brought out beast legs... At the time I was planing an adult fairy in the lavender with a mei head... And Pretty much I decided that Mei would make a cute girlfriend to Rong. Then the Mei turned into a Fei and changed from a Fairy to a "Deadwood" Dryad cus the skin color wasn't going to work and I saw a modded fei that I loved.
Related/connected Dolls
Jesene Girlfriend Her post
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New doll wishes
I hate it when I get like this. I want to plan a new doll or have a new doll or SOMETHING. But nothing is grabbing me. It's been an ongoing issue, especially with Lori so far out of reach yet again. And worse yet a lot of owner pics are starting to change my mind about Yao. I don't know what I'd do with her but I'm liking her more and more. But she's much like Song. I -LIKE- the head but I have no USE for the head. Honestly my little clan that I have planned is pretty complete at the moment. I have the fawn and her dryad lover, Cassie, Val and their baby, and the three fairies. I suppose the only thing that would add more dolls to my list is if the new hooved boy turns out super fab and I end up "having" to have him. Then perhaps Yao will find a place in my dolls. Perhaps he would be a satyr, or Forrest king and she would be his elven servant, just defiant enough to make her fun to oppress. Or he might be a demon and she his succubus cohort...
Either way, it's all hinging on me not just liking.. but LOVING the new male sculpt. The demon is pretty much no chance, I'd need a beefy boy and the new male body is just too scrawny. The Satyr thing could work with a devious enough face, but it's so unlikely *sigh* I'm even starting to like Li who, truth be told, I hated when she came out. Yes, she was pretty, but I couldn't bring myself to say more than that for her. now I'm a little more open to her, she's pretty but still not for me. Doesn't stop her from being FASCINATING since my sister is planning on making her a dark unicorn. Worse yet there's supposed to be a female 1/6th sized doll coming out "soon but not too soon" So that's sounding like fall. It's supposed to have a new body... and I'm just like... fingers crossed that I like the new head and that the new body isn't super different. Cus I'm thinking that there's a chance... Lotus might end up having to be reshelled. I LOVE her as a Bei... but she's sooo sweet looking, and if there's a more mature body... and a more adult looking head... crap. I'm sunk. This girl will have to be died purple and become my purple fairy and then Lotus will get a new body and new head. If it's only one or the other... I might get away with just getting a new body... but yea. *siiiigh*
Maybe I should just name my fawn and dryad >.< any ideas?
Either way, it's all hinging on me not just liking.. but LOVING the new male sculpt. The demon is pretty much no chance, I'd need a beefy boy and the new male body is just too scrawny. The Satyr thing could work with a devious enough face, but it's so unlikely *sigh* I'm even starting to like Li who, truth be told, I hated when she came out. Yes, she was pretty, but I couldn't bring myself to say more than that for her. now I'm a little more open to her, she's pretty but still not for me. Doesn't stop her from being FASCINATING since my sister is planning on making her a dark unicorn. Worse yet there's supposed to be a female 1/6th sized doll coming out "soon but not too soon" So that's sounding like fall. It's supposed to have a new body... and I'm just like... fingers crossed that I like the new head and that the new body isn't super different. Cus I'm thinking that there's a chance... Lotus might end up having to be reshelled. I LOVE her as a Bei... but she's sooo sweet looking, and if there's a more mature body... and a more adult looking head... crap. I'm sunk. This girl will have to be died purple and become my purple fairy and then Lotus will get a new body and new head. If it's only one or the other... I might get away with just getting a new body... but yea. *siiiigh*
Maybe I should just name my fawn and dryad >.< any ideas?
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