SO! Some updates from last post...
1. yes, Resinsoul will tint the clear resin. Elementals will happen at some point in time... Not sure when, not sure what, or even what size, kinda flopping around with the idea of Psuedo elementals, Like smoke (air fire) Mud (water earth) Embers (fire earth) Mist (air water) that sort of thing. Only problem is they are mostly... Well muddled colors... Like embers would be fun with like... brown and clear red And mist could be awesome with like light blue and clear purple but Mud would be like... at best brown and blue... and smoke is like... grey and clear? grey and darker grey? Kiiiinda boring. Not terrible but not great. loads to think about... Maybe even... >.> Pure elements as MSD and psuedo elements as 1/6? That could be badass... Foo...
2. Coats are coming along amazing. We have some totally awesome colors worked up and I'm spazzy stoked. We've got a couple that are xmas/winter a really awesome red sky at dawn and a forest floor color... buuuut the one I'm most into atm... Argyle sweater... I know... it sounds stupid and it may well sell like shit... BUT! I love it. Mom always shys away from the argyle pattern but I've always liked it... It's just so weird. So I have an awesome combo picked out with that and I'm just like... WOOOOOO!
3. Koda! So I painted him finally, he's amazing. He's so damn cute! and He looks nothing like I planned. So first off... those "marbles" he had for eyes... They were shitty plastic beads. >.> So unamused. but I got him new beads (purple) restrung him and blushed his whole little self. He gave me fits while I was blushing him but now I'm so stupidly happy... I can't even put him away. he needs me to make him a case so he can be carried safely. That needs to go on the docket like now... Like last week now.
Otherwise it's been pretty slow. Got a bug spray happening today so I need to go put on pants and pick up the last of the dishes >.< The joys of apartment living.
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