About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

In deep and going deeper

So the clear resin is giving me too many ideas.  I said the thing about the elements... You know, pure elements being MSD and mixed being Yo... welp.  I have a claim on Mist with my sister, and I think I want an elf eared Ni head... so long as Ni isn't Bei with human ears... which I'm pretty sure it's not...

Hold on... I'm checking the website... Ok, so I'm sure that Ni is not a bei with human ears.  Her little face is less smiley and her eyes are straighter on top... Preeeedy damn sure.  But since RS has been offering to put different ears on dolls I was like... Ok, elf ears on my Mist doll?  and then a water doll.. well If I'ma have a water doll I may as well put mermaid ears on a li then...

Yep.  I did that.  I figured out heads for 2 elemental dolls.  Oh and don't forget, I still am an idiot... so I am right now, at this very moment, contemplating how one would do opposing element dollies... Yep... Just came up with steam... which would be fire water... and then Dust would be air earth wouldn't it? Steam would have to be either clear blue and red or vice versa... do clear red and light blue or pink and clear dark blue?  IDK.  But clear brown is a must for dust.  and then light grey for the not clear?  Eeeeeh I'm bad. I'm bad, Y'know it!  If they come out with a new head... I'm sunk, Especially if it's a 1/6th head and I like it.

Also interesting things.... Mom is thinking about getting an MSD boy but she wants him to be slightly shorter than Tulip... T_T this is gonna be a pain.  She's gonna end up going to another website and likely going to end up not happy with it.  She's had the problem before... It'll happen again just the same.  *siiigh* oh well.  Whatever.  Time to go back to doing actual stuffs

Friday, November 20, 2015

Just more update stuff

SO!  Some updates from last post...

1.  yes, Resinsoul will tint the clear resin.  Elementals will happen at some point in time... Not sure when, not sure what, or even what size, kinda flopping around with the idea of Psuedo elementals, Like smoke (air fire) Mud (water earth) Embers (fire earth) Mist (air water) that sort of thing.  Only problem is they are mostly... Well muddled colors... Like embers would be fun with like... brown and clear red  And mist could be awesome with like light blue and clear purple  but Mud would be like... at best brown and blue... and smoke is like... grey and clear?  grey and darker grey?  Kiiiinda boring.  Not terrible but not great.  loads to think about... Maybe even... >.> Pure elements as MSD and psuedo elements as 1/6?  That could be badass...  Foo...

2. Coats are coming along amazing.  We have some totally awesome colors worked up and I'm spazzy stoked.  We've got a couple that are xmas/winter a really awesome red sky at dawn and a forest floor color... buuuut the one I'm most into atm... Argyle sweater... I know... it sounds stupid and it may well sell like shit... BUT!  I love it.  Mom always shys away from the argyle pattern but I've always liked it... It's just so weird.  So I have an awesome combo picked out with that and I'm just like... WOOOOOO!

3. Koda!  So I painted him finally, he's amazing.  He's so damn cute!  and He looks nothing like I planned.  So first off... those "marbles" he had for eyes... They were shitty plastic beads.  >.> So unamused.  but I got him new beads (purple) restrung him and blushed his whole little self.  He gave me fits while I was blushing him but now I'm so stupidly happy... I can't even put him away.  he needs me to make him a case so he can be carried safely.  That needs to go on the docket like now... Like last week now.

Otherwise it's been pretty slow.  Got a bug spray happening today so I need to go put on pants and pick up the last of the dishes >.<  The joys of apartment living.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Late night and clear resin

Ok, so it's like 4 am... I woke up with a nightmare that I was dead and in purgatory, And I really don't wanna think about it, best way to do that... Dolls.  So Lets start with what's been going on.

So back at the mega meetup we met up with numerous people, and ended up getting commissions from a couple people.  So that was really cool, cus mom will actually do stuff that she needs to do.  She and Ron are currently stuck home but rather than working on doll stuff right now we're gearing up for Halloween, which is cool.  We got both commissions done and got a hell of a lot of new Ideas.  We had just two types of coats.  A long coat (with skirt) and a short coat (no skirt).  Now we have at least 4 things we are going to do, cus we now have a caplet (hood with smaller skirt attached to it) and a just hood.  I need to get off my butt and make more jewelry but there's always something more pressing that I'm much more interested in.  Though we did get the etsy shop up and going, not that anything has happened on it but yea.

Next item, yesterday the sister showed me something that is wallet damning... Resin Soul is offering clear resin now... That they will mix with regular resin half way.... Oh my lord my head has been spinning with what I should add to my list.  Now... Lets be clear, I don't mind adding to my list... but right now it's kinda long but getting shortish.  At present I am actually planning on making Val over this year, which he ended up being a whole new doll for me, and Biggun plans on buying his old body and turning that into his brother, which I'm totally cool with.  But so after him I've got just 3 more dolls on my list... and one impulse baby to deal with.  Pretty much that means I've got 4 years until I'm out of dolls... will I probably come up with more dolls to make?  Probably.  If not do I have a backup plan?  You bet I do.  Does that still make me feel like I could be allowed to put more dolls on my list?  You know it.

Back to this clear resin... So Here I am, thinking... Man, all the possibilities..  Ghost dolls?  Carve on that dollie and make something incredible?  maybe... If it can be tinted, Elemental dolls!  How cool would that be?  Make a fire elemental doll?  Or a water?  Air?  So many possibilities!  None of them are really grabbing me atm, I'm still stuck on wanting the female dragon to come out so maybe that's what's going on with me.

And I mentioned my little impulse buy, The he/she/it dragon from mushroom peddler?  Ok so it's a wyvern but it looks very bat like... Soooo... His name is Koda, I'm going to do his colors pretty much all in pear and I plan on his "soft" parts being colored in a champaine/pink gold color and his "hard" parts done in a blue/purple color, I like the marbles they used for his eyes, I think that works well, I just need to find better colored marbles for him cus I don't really like the black red ones he's got. Unsure if I'm going to make the eyes his soft color, his hard color or a mix between the two.  IDK.  but he's chillin on the shelf nearby.

Ok, I think I've got enough to think about to put me back to sleep, so here's hoping that I can stay on the nice, dolly shit that I've got in my brain so I can sleep more... If not... Crochet on the couch.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mega meet and the ride home

So the Chicago mega meet was pretty damn awesome.  I sold two necklaces, we sold a bunch of coats and had a blast.

Some highlights:
Despite having a near panic attack the day before, I got Jesene a new necklace to go with the outfit Keeley made for her...

My new dragon arrived the day before the meet so I got to take he/she/it with (leaning towards he)

Sister bought a kitten tiny... it's super adorable.

just generally had a blast.

Some other funny things happened that weren't exactly what one would call a highlight.  On the way home we were talking about our awesome monetary gains and missed the exit from 355 to 88... BUT!  we were totally able to turn it around... got back onto the toll way in less than 5 min... it rained and we got a chance to laugh at mom wearing a garbage bag poncho... I dropped my frappe while we were still in the Oasis just outside of chicago and not only did we get a good giggle but they gave me a replacement for free!  Good guy greg McDonalds...

Now on the ride home.... We had some amazing revelations... I have a bunch of parts... They are damaged and not all the same color.  It sounds like I might be making a 1/6th centaur homunculus... Sister is kinda frustrated with my immediate claiming of the butts but right now I'm missing a top torso, back legs and a head even with her parts... so I'm not worried about it but she is... but so far we have 2 full bei legs with feet (damaged in light blue) 2 full 1/6 DJ arms (also damaged but in green) and then she will have up to 2 butts (undamaged, one male one gender free both sky blue but one darker than the other) left from Orn getting a new ass.  So that leaves me with the idea of getting the Pixiu ears on a March or Ni (can't remember right now) or seeing if they'll make me "mermaid" ears on a 1/6th OR! getting a pixiu head as a last resort.  I'd also need, all the parts already present in the pot, an upper torso and back legs, which I'm thinking of going for like... a pixiu torso or maybe even the little girl chest.. not sure why.. but yea and maybe a pair of pixiu legs for the back legs.  This is a mod doll and a half so I'm thinking things like...  carving the feet so they won't look so human foot like... and or using bigger feet on the back like Saties hooves... but those are huuuuge.  BUT YEA!  Sounds like my "spider doll" might turn into this doll... But I'm super tired right now... so the couch is calling my name... Laters.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The boaaaax! what's in the Boaax???!?!

So not too long ago I had my first moment of "do want naow.  Must have naow... GIMMIE!"

I bought a second hand Wyvern from The Mushroom Peddler...

This makes he/she/it the second doll for the year... Bad naughty me... But he's just sooo damn cute... I'm pretty sure it's a he... I have no name... no ideas... no nothing... all I know is CUTE!  He was expensive... 125 shipped... But I'm so damn excited about him... it's just not even funny.  I'm pretty sure he's white skin, so IDK what I'ma do with him colors wise.

In other news the replacement arms and legs for fig and lotus, happy about that.  got her restrung all nice and tight. Fig's going to get a small mod before he gets restrung, Want to put a latch spot in his arm ball... Havn't done it yet so yea >.> Thinking about actually doing a double... Like... one for all the way out and one for half way... IDK if I can...But I might try on his "not good" arms... >.> yea...

And last but not least, Keeley and I are working together on Jesene's outfit... I'm stoked.  It's kinda floating back and forth but I'm pretty excited about it... Miiight be using tea dyed lace on it... How cool is that?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Pre-Mega meet and Yellow fairy

So I'm still pretty calm about the mega meet... it's a good few weeks away, but we haven't made anything since Puddle so I'm starting to get nervous.  Plus it's in Chicago this time which is disappointing.  Originally, mom's dog was supposed to have her puppies like... between now and when the meet is, so mom wasn't going to be able to come... Yea Dog isn't prego.  Little punk's been pretending to be prego to get the extra fuds.  Ok so maybe she doesn't understand it but yea, it's what it feels like.  So bad news, No puppies.  Good news mom gets to come with to the meet.

Not much else going on.  Still need to finish Fig's wig (heh) and I have a yellow skinned fairy burning a hole in my brain.  Like... Yellow skin, and burgundy hair... She's lovely in my head.  Starting to try and decide what she'd have for a wig, and that's a dangerous road.   Does she have a fluffy wig?  A home spun wig like it's dreads?  Is it home town dreads?  Maybe it's all little knots of regular yarn... IDK!!  I'm trying not to look at flowers... Cus I -saw- a flower... Have I talked about this yet? I don't care.  I found this Dahlia... I think that's how it's spelled... But I found it at Pecks and was like O.O OMG I LOVE IT!  it's got almost redish leaves... a dark center and a lovely yellow petals that curl slightly... It's lovely.  Well turns out it's a "new" flower... So "Dahlia"  is the "scientific" name for it and about a dozen other Dahlias...  Sooo that won't work... And I'm so sad about it... cus it's so pretty... And wouldn't you know it?  My dumb ass is out there, googling yellow flowers... See... It can't just be -Any- flower.  It has to be the -right- flower.  It has to be yellow, with dark, preferably redish leaves... it has to be native to Australia or africa... and it has to be lovely.  So far, I have Dietes bicolor which is the african Iris... So name wise she'd be "Iris"  which is ok but not great... but the flower is -really- pretty.  OOooor Eucalyptus preissian which is the Bell-fruited Mallee.... And name wise that's absolutely intensely awesome... But the flower lacks a little... It's kinda like a yellow koosh ball... I mean the leaves are dark green and red, the yellow is the perfect color... The flower is kinda... Masculine?  If this was supposed to be a boy it would be totally fine... but it's clearly a girl name, and in my mind it's a girl...

But this is dragging on... I've documented my ideas and well... they aren't perfect.... so the search will have to continue at a later date/

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Post Puddle 2015

Apparently Puddle is always something of a mess... We didn't get any notifications about when everything started and ended this year... which was a pain but we got everything figured out.  Mom was a mess cus some creepy car noise started when we got to Chicago, luckily it wasn't a big deal, she took it to an auto center while the sis and I watched the booth.  They had a really cool "mingling" activity this year, we designed a doll with a group of people while in line for our door prize, which was fun, the doll we designed was pretty cool.  I would have liked to see what everyone had done though... so yea.  We won the item from the raffle I wanted so I'm pretty stoked.

I always have a hard time with the attitudes, the desire to continually have the newest and the greatest doll pisses me off.  It really flies in the face of my desire to be creative and do stuff with my dolls.  There is such a big deal about keeping this doll exactly like it was... and I'm just not into that.  It's one of the reasons the Mega meet is way more my speed.  And since it went later this time, I was really tired of it by the time it was done.  I really feel that having it be shorter would be way better.... but they just -milk- it.  But whatever.  Friday was a blast... We all had a blast, I got to do some swimming and there was an Indian wedding party staying at the hotel so there was so much pretty stuff to look at.  I sold a necklace and we sold 6 coats, plus the outfit with Keely, so that was awesome.  All in all.  Good times.  Not super sure what we'll do about next year, sounds like we wanna drive up that day, do puddle, then chill the next day rather than the day we drive in... we'll see when we get closer to the day.

The mega meetup is in Chicago this year and I'm both irritated and happy about that.  Bad news:  It's in Chicago.  This means that the trip is going to be long, we're going to have to deal with the damn construction again, and we have to deal with the Friggin toll ways.  I hate toll ways.  Good News:  We can go to Mitsuwa again.  IDK, I really like going there, I didn't enjoy myself as much this time cus I was really wound up. So, at least I get another chance at their fud.  Cus god damn their food is good.  But that's not for another month and some time.  So we'll have to see how that goes.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Puddle 2015

Tomorrow T_T

I'm so spazy right now.  I know I need to be doing like 80 million things... Cleaning the house, making pants for Fig so He can have pants... make his wig... Alll the things.... And Here I am... writing a post.

I'm really good at using my time wisely.

Ok... So I'm really stoked about how much stock we have... and the colors this year, I'm getting better at making things look great, feeling less pressure to just make it work... and mom's been letting me do the cutting.  So we're getting more sweaters, better planning on sizes, and better quality color combos.  We have long and short coats in all sizes... we're thinking about ways to make our display better... cus lemme tell you, it's gonna suuuuck.  We have one, small, 18"x18" or so rack.  That's it.  We're going to have to display our stuff on dolls as much as possible cus we just don't have the space to take 35 outfits and place them individually.  So I'm currently on hold with walmart to see if they have something that I saw online and think might work...

But yea... I haven't made any new necklaces... but I also haven't -sold- many so I still have some from last year... So yea.  I'm going to try and make some in the hotel room and offer custom while we're there...  Buuut yea.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No pants dance

So Fig still be naked, April still's got no damn pants either...

HEY! I been trying!  Seriously!

I've got a sketch done for Fig's outfit, Think I've figured out how to make them look like fall front, but... I am probably getting way over ambitious... Wanna make them fall front and put a strap thingy in the back and that might be just too much for these pants... Cus.. I mean where will they close for realzies?  But enough on that... Lets get to the reason for the dancing!

Marius... He's fuckin drying right now bitches!!  Ok that was alittle fucked up but I have a headache and I'm allowed... Was working on him last night and realized, well since after I was in bed with teeth brushed that I forgot to eat supper... so that's probably why I have the headache... Working on breakfast now ish...  But yea, did him in a bronzy gold with purple and bronze claws.  The claws may have to be redone cus it may look bad with his hair... but claws (while there are an assload of them) are a fairly simple thing and they end up needing repainted alot... Like saties hooves... Even though her hooves haven't been repainted >.> Hey that's why I dyed them!

But yea, Gonna see if I can get some pics of him once he's dried... plus I wanna see if I can get the minecraft server back up and running today, unfortunately I can't play on it cus it is gonna take windows seven to play on T_T  But yea... Just killing time till he's dry... Lalalalalala Ok I'm done.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


So I like making little patterns... So that I can either do what I wanna do or so that I can remake it or see where I went wrong...

Only problem is me actually keeping those patterns someplace I can find them... Just lost the pattern that I was totally gonna make Fig a pair of pants from... Along with my first go at a button down shirt T_T

Oh hey... it's several hours later and I just totally stumbled on them... WOOT!  Now I have no issue saying this cus I know my mom won't read this... I plan to make April some clothes for a belated mother's day prezzie.

now I just need to pick out fabric...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Is this thing on?

Ok, So I'm really bad at keeping up with things but this is one that's been really hard for me lately.

I lost the doll itch for a long time... Still trying to recover my love of the dollies.  Unfortunately I have to point the finger at some of the people I used to hang out with and do doll stuff with.  When you start associating something you like to do with people you don't like to be around it can take a lot of the shine off of the thing you liked to do.  Because of that I've had a hell of a time doing things with the dolls.  I've had Marius for over a year and he's still in pieces so that I can faceup him.

Good news?  I have Fig.  I'm working on what I want him to look like.  I still have Marius to finish but I'm happy about having dolls to work on... Only problem right now, It's been raining constantly... CONSTANTLY!  I need it to dry out for long enough for me to work on Maruis (he has his eyes and hair... I can work on him!)

There's a lot of stuff that's been running around in my head about dolls, rolling around quietly...  I made pants for "logan" the other day... Fig's been wearing them >.> No... they really are for Logan... Seriously...  WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME!?  But yea they are a terrible color on Fig so yea, they are Logans, I just have to make Fig some pants so Logan can have them back.

Actually those pants are kinda a funny story that I feel like commemorating... I was over at mom's, chilling and I got an Email from the hubs, Both elbows were ripped out of his shirt... I paniced, grabbed a shirt from mom's and ran it out to him without even waiting for him to tell me "Yea, I really need a different shirt"  He didn't want a different shirt but there I was, I had a lavender shirt and a red shirt for him to decide between.  Despite being frustrated with me he took the red shirt and wore it, and I took the remaining shirts back to moms... Mom was working on cleaning up her doll room so there was little to nothing for me to do, so I sat down with this lovely grey shirt with white stripes and was like... O.O PANTS!  and I had Logan there... O.O FIG NEEDS SLACKS!  >.> Logan won't mind... So I made a pattern for slacks for Logan, knowing that Fig maybe taller/shorter/just not fit and knew that I'd alter the pattern to fit Fig.  I legit just sat down and made them, that day.  Pattern and all.  They were a smidge wonky, but they fit pretty damn well, and They look cute as a button on him.

In other news, I shall soon removed the last reminents of Becky from my life, Mom has seen Mika (Becky's Hujoo) and wondered if I'm going to do anything with it.  When I told her no, it wasn't even mine but I can't get rid of it, She asked if she could have it... She wants Elli to have a brother.  So I can finally get the last bits of her out of my life, wipe the doll and make a little boy, no more Mika, No more Tien, No more Becky.  There are some kimono's I was going to make what feels like ages ago, I may well just pitch that fabric.  I know I won't make the pink one and I'm pretty sure the blue one is missing pieces.  Even if It's not missing pieces, I don't have the desire to finish it.  Now the parts that were going to be the liner... that I might have some desire for... but IDK.

I nearly had another Fairy, and it's still kinda rolling around in there... While we were at pecks I ran across a Dahlia... This beautiful, striking WONDERFUL Dahlia.  This yellow bloom with a dark center and crisp thick petals and burgundy foliage... Were RS to come out with Yellow resin, I thought to myself, This... THIS would be a flower I'd want for a yellow fairy.  I actually carried the flower around I was so smitten with the flower and Idea... but I was very disappointed to know that this Dahlia, common name Mystic Illusion, is a "new" flower... and Dahlia is it's latin name... along with every other Dahlia ever.  So with my naming conventions I can't use any Dahlia.  FML.  Well my wallet is happy... But I'm not.  I'd already started getting an idea for the fairy's stuff, she was going to be aboriginal, I was hoping for Africa or Australia as an origin for this flower... Cus how cool would tribal steampunk be?  It may still be in the cards for the future but not yet...

Welp, time to go update the blog's lists and stuff... and there's a cat in my way....