So... I've said before how -little- my husband likes my dolls. He is alone in the house in that regard. Both of my boys think the dolls are epic. My eldest, now 7, has been saving up for his doll for some time... nearly 2 years, as he is almost 8 and he started saving when he was 6. He picked out a sculpt in the size that I would allow him, I didn't want him to buy a super expensive doll, or even a moderately expensive doll being he's -only- a child and may very well loose interest in the doll sooner rather than later, or may succumb to social stigma and come to disdain the doll he worked so very hard to get.
Well he had gotten within 12 dollars of his goal, mom's not paying for any of it... I didn't want to foot the bill, I wanted him to understand how hard it was to get the money. But -just- 12 dollars away and he was going to have to wait -at least- until his birthday to get it and if it wasn't in stock at junkyspot then he was going to have to wait -another- month to get it from RS (cus... Yea his "Logan" is a resin soul Bao boy). I was a little heart broken, cus he is just so close and I was expecting him to be able to get it after Christmas.
So today, my husband was all on about how much he wanted Kingdoms of Amalar. And it's an awesome game, single player fantasy RP game where you start off dead... Yea I know! weird and quirky at it's finest. Right up the hubby's alley. Well a friend of ours was playing it today and it drove the poor man half out of his head as his friend gloated about how awesome it was. Little Mister Man was right there too... and the hubby goes... "I'll pay him interest." And I looked at him funny but little guy was bouncing around already so I sat him down and told him what daddy was asking. -Daddy- The guy who doesn't like mommy's dolls... who has claimed that I'm just trying to get another doll using the boy's money... who grits his teeth when I talk about my doll list... was going to help him get his doll some if he loaned daddy some money. And of Course... he thought that was a -great- idea... "Thats the game where you're in the bodies right??? Yea!" He loves daddy getting a new game... then... "Well... how much does he still need?" "About 15 dollars" "Ok. I'll help him finish his doll out then."
I was flabergasted I gotta admit. But. He's seen that The boy is serious about this doll. It wasn't a passing fancy, he's stuck with it, through several other things he wanted, through nearly 2 years of saving, he still wants the same doll, and still talks about it, still gets frustrated that we can't go out to the "doll store" he thinks exists, we have to save, and wait, and he did it. So... We got our taxes done sat and when they come in, and we have money again, Little man is getting his Logan. >.> And mommy is getting her Fei >.> Jesene here I come.
Awwww, that's so sweet! I'm so glad he's finally getting his doll! <3
ReplyDeleteMe too. The fact that he's stuck with it this long is amazing. I think I'm more excited than he is XD