About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moar baby

I now have a sleeping head on the way.. I'm kinda shocked, really I am.  After so long waiting for this baby I'm finally getting her... and I'm kinda expecting to wake up.  Like suddenly she'll be gone again.  I haven't even let myself get too excited over her... Once I see her, sleeping with a face up and all that... I'll probably shit myself.

Lets see if that's the truth...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

mildly unexpected

Something that I had kinda come to expect would never happen happened today.  I got Lori's body in the mail today.  I still don't have her head but the head should be less difficult to get than the body.  At least I'm hoping.  We will see if it IS actually easier but I have the important part now.. the cute little body.

In other, less related news Satie's wig is done, still not done with Logan or Orn but they both want short hair and I gotta say Orn's wig is being a -bitch- so it's taking a while.  SO MUCH TIME. >.< Some day he too will have a wig.  and it will be neaaat.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

>.< So much BS

So I havn't really been doing much dolly stuff lately.  Why?  Well Minecraft for one.  City of Hero's for two. And then everything else has been leaving me tired.  Got birthdays, both the kids home for summer, then this week.. OOooh this week >.<

The hubby managed to brain himself while we were out celebrating the eldest's birthday.  I think he's got a concussion.  It's clearly mild, there was no vomiting, blacking out, or any of that but he's been "fuzzy" ever since.  Difficulty concentrating and stuttering a little are happening all the time.  That being on top of him having the bum toe and the doctors jacking us around about weather or not they can fix it yet has got me just -wiped- out.  I still haven't done face up's on Logan and Satie... Even though I wanna do them...

Life kinda sucks atm *sigh* well I am tired... time to sleep on the couch.

Friday, July 6, 2012

FREEE!!! Free at last!

Ok so "free" might not be the best way to put this but I'm done with Orn's face up and body blushing (and I hope to remain done with it for a while, come on MSC prove you were worth the money!)  But now I'm free to do Logan and Satie's face ups.  I still ahve to redo Una's eyebrows and do her fancy stuff, but thats whenever Dear sister brings her over... So WOO! Ready to get going on a different doll!

I've been getting lots of ideas for Satie, and Logan will (or should be) a quick face up.  We'll have to see.  I have alot of faces that need redone.  So maybe after those two I'll start on redoing Lotus or some such.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monthly blog

So I figure I should endeavor to at least update this thing once a month.  With Oreo's in my gut chased by some summer sausage to get the delectable sweetness out of my mouth, I shall update.

So I am pretty fail on face up's over a month after getting them Logan and Satie are still face less.  Sad I know, but I have to stick to my guns about getting a face on Poor Orn before I delve into Satie or Logan.  Clothes though, I'm working on that.  Logan has some random stuff we got off some ken's and Satie has all of one dress buuuut I'm in a swap and I can use her as the model so she's going to get a copy of the dress I'm making.

I don't know if I ever told my blog that Mom and I finished the chairs for the table... I still need to finish that stuff... some day....

Either way I'm off to go work on drafting the pattern for this dress

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So she's here... and she's been here.  I've been so caught up in wanting to make stuff and trying to get this and that done so I can get to her I've been down right overwhelmed.  Doesn't help any that I have strep (gettin better) and my eldest... who's doll, Logan, came in with Satie... just started coming down with strep.  So it's been busy.  I need to find my MSC cus then I can get to work on face up's poor Orn has been face less for a while... and now I have two more that need faces, then I need to redo faces for most of my sister and I's collective crew.

RAAAAWR!  Well I suppose it's time I get back to updating her post and all that... so that everything is correct.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Interminable wait

Waiting is FUCKING hard.  Like seriously.  I think that both Val and Lotus were easier to wait for.  Like I got excited about Val, and I was happy to get him.  I got antsy near the end with Lotus, and nearly screamed with joy when I found out she was in town.

But Satie and Logan are driving me -NUTS- I know it was harder to wait for Lotus than Val, but apparently it -never- gets easier to wait for a new doll, it always feels more awful and harder to wait for.  When I finally am able to get my Lori I am going to be like... totally insane.

I think the thing that makes it really hard... the hardest part... Is knowing that if I complain about it, the boy will remember that he has had to wait a full month without any more news than me.  Our friend Sam suggested that He needed to put his money for his doll towards the "assassinate Micheal Bay" fund and little man bout flipped his shit.  He got -very- upset and started shouting, mostly just disagreeing with Sam but still, he raised his voice and was -very- serious.

But yea.  *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I think it's time to go check gmail again for my shipping notice.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The only thing worse...

Than having an Idea for a doll, wanting to do that thing so badly, and not having the money or having the money and not being able to purchase the doll... Is the wait between having actually purchased the doll and actually getting the doll.

I don't think I could ever order direct from Soom or fairyland or many other companies that have a 2 month + waiting period between parting with your hard earned cash and actually getting what you paid for.  Worse yet most companies charge much more for the dolls than RS/BBB So with this I dropped a little over 170 on the doll it's self which may seem like an absolute load of money (which it is) but when compared to 300 on a naked tiny, or 1,000 on a fullset it's really not as bad as it -could- be.  I'm still eventually going to have some of those crazy expensive dolls, just after I get my fill of my RS's and BBB's... I mean... it's like looking at a huge delicious slice of cake and knowing that it will put a huuuuuge ding in your diet but you have been working out so you feel like you could work out a little more every day and eat it anyway... Or being able to eat 4 of those little bitty toblerones over the same time that you'd have to work out sooo much more for... Yea in the end you still buggered your diet a little and had to do the extra workout and all that jazz but you got to eat candy on 4 occasions instead of eating one bigger indulgence.

I gotta say I'm a little kid like that.  But Satie can't come fast enough for me.  Seriously.  I've been subconsciously counting the days.  No joke.  I've been asking Mikey what day it is... been walking past the calender just to peak at it... It's so bad.  seriously.  It's the 11th and I have to wait until like... the 25th... So I have 2 weeks left... but GAAAAAAAWD I want her and Logan to get here SOOOOO bad T_T

Friday, February 24, 2012


So I just sent payment on the order for the two dollies! *squee*So 30 days from today we -shoud- have more than one doll owner in the house.  Now to keep it on the low down so that little man doesn't get too irritable about it >.>

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Flip flop game

So I'm just a -Floundering- at figuring out what I want to get for sure with my taxes.  It's a toss between Jesene and Satie, and I think atm Satie is winning.

How this went was months ago I had this problem before, and I decied that I love the purple skin and I wanted to get to work on Jesene, get her eyes cut open,  get all the shit done that I needed done on her.   I was never set solid, cus I'd rather just get both the girls at once, and while possible I don't plan on doing that, I wanna get one this year and one next year.

I was pretty sure though, until mom opened her mouth.  Now I love my mom and I don't begrudge her this... BUT she went and suggested that I get Satie and I buy her some human legs on the side "just in case, anyway that way it would be like getting -two- dolls" well as cute as that Idea is that's not reaaaaally what I wanna do.  I'd rather just go ahead and get -her- like I planned her.  but now... I'm pretty sure it made me want Arrasatie more than I want Jesene. >.< I think I'm just gonna get Arrasatie... or ask the hubby XD yea that would be a fun convo.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shock and Awwwwww

So... I've said before how -little- my husband likes my dolls.  He is alone in the house in that regard.  Both of my boys think the dolls are epic.  My eldest, now 7, has been saving up for his doll for some time... nearly 2 years, as he is almost 8 and he started saving when he was 6.  He picked out a sculpt in the size that I would allow him, I didn't want him to buy a super expensive doll, or even a moderately expensive doll being he's -only- a child and may very well loose interest in the doll sooner rather than later, or may succumb to social stigma and come to disdain the doll he worked so very hard to get.

Well he had gotten within 12 dollars of his goal, mom's not paying for any of it... I didn't want to foot the bill, I wanted him to understand how hard it was to get the money.  But -just- 12 dollars away and he was going to have to wait -at least- until his birthday to get it and if it wasn't in stock at junkyspot then he was going to have to wait -another- month to get it from RS (cus... Yea his "Logan" is a resin soul Bao boy).  I was a little heart broken, cus he is just so close and I was expecting him to be able to get it after Christmas.

So today, my husband was all on about how much he wanted Kingdoms of Amalar.  And it's an awesome game, single player fantasy RP game where you start off dead... Yea I know! weird and quirky at it's finest.  Right up the hubby's alley.  Well a friend of ours was playing it today and it drove the poor man half out of his head as his friend gloated about how awesome it was.  Little Mister Man was right there too... and the hubby goes... "I'll pay him interest."  And I looked at him funny but little guy was bouncing around already so I sat him down and told him what daddy was asking.  -Daddy- The guy who doesn't like mommy's dolls... who  has claimed that I'm just trying to get another doll using the boy's money... who grits his teeth when I talk about my doll list... was going to help him get his doll some if he loaned daddy some money.  And of Course... he thought that was a -great- idea... "Thats the game where you're in the bodies right???   Yea!" He loves daddy getting a new game... then... "Well... how much does he still need?"  "About 15 dollars"  "Ok.  I'll help him finish his doll out then."

I was flabergasted I gotta admit.  But.  He's seen that The boy is serious about this doll.  It wasn't a passing fancy, he's stuck with it, through several other things he wanted, through nearly 2 years of saving, he still wants the same doll, and still talks about it, still gets frustrated that we can't go out to the "doll store" he thinks exists, we have to save, and wait, and he did it.  So... We got our taxes done sat and when they come in, and we have money again, Little man is getting his Logan.  >.> And mommy is getting her Fei >.> Jesene here I come.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Chairs! the adventure continues

So last post I was all like "WOW! I've got a bunch of stuff done on these chairs!"  This time... I'm so excited because mom and I got -everything- cut for all 4 chairs and we got the detailing done on all the pieces.  So that meant grinding the sharp corner off of the arms and all four sides of the back posts.  We were both pretty pouty that we weren't gonna be able to cut the legs... but then we were like... HEY! We have enough of the little spindles to make our own! So we DID! XD

So thats all cut, almost all sanded, after the last of it gets sanded then we can stain them all.... then... we drill holes for the pegs that will hold the chairs together and provide surface to glue onto.  After that... there's only assembly.  SO CLOSE! T_T

On another note... I'd just like to say that Tupperware is a fucking addiction.  Even though it's a pain in my ass cus the lady who we order from can be a bit of a space case *siiigh* and she buggered this last order pretty well, but I still love the fucking stuff and it's SOOOO USEFUL! T_T

Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally! progress!

So A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.... >.> well it was a long while back at least... I started on the construction of some set pieces for a kitchen for my dolls... some time last yea >.< and I was all like "Oh! Table!" and mom and I made a table... And that table has been sitting around for a while... no chairs...

Yesterday, the chairs went from a nebulous "when we get everything together" to "Holy crap, We've cut out almost everything we need for at least 2 of the chairs.  They are designed, they are nearly ready to build... mom's talking about staining them (since you wanna stain them before you glue) this weekend or today... and maybe... JUST maybe we can start assembling, or finishing staining, or start drilling the holes for the pegs... on Tuesday... then after we get them all cut, stained, assembled and glued, then we just need to varnish the little buggers.  I'm ridiculously, blisteringly, idiotically excited about having CHAAAAIRS >.<