So I said something about my new gypsy the last post. That thing turned out to be a headache and a half. Just like a regular computer it needed to be updated before it would run properly. No big deal right? three days later and having to reinstal the software it finally started working. Just intime for me to make my dad's birthday card on it. AND OH was it going to be a cool as hell card! I got it all figured out on the Gypsy... pluged it into my cricut.... "Um... you aint updated your machine yet dummy" *rage*
Luckily the cricut only took about 15 minutes to finish updating unlike the Gypsy, So I was able to get everything worked out ok. I've discovered that I'm not allowed to have things hassle free. My husband's tax money fun allowance went quickly and without a hitch. Literally everything I bought with my fun money ended up being a pain in the ass or forced me to get something else to make it work.
On to what little dolly info is in this post. So I still have no leads on a Small comfort. None at all. And it's driving me batty. I just wish that SOMEONE would contact me about one. I don't really care what head and all that it has so long as I can get one of those little baby bodies... it makes me sad to think that I'm STILL without my dolly. No word on any of the shoes either. I got a Email back from release rain and >.> well it wasn't encouraging. something along the lines of "Don't knwo if we're going to get more of what you want... but buy our new shoes!" >.> *rage* I HATE being told to "buy what's there" or "Oh buy these new things" BUT IT"S NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR! it's like these people have no concept of the fact that I will not buy stuff I don't want... PERIOD. I don't buy things on "well it's the style I like... but not the color... oh well..." If it's not what I wanted, I will go with out and you getting in some other thing that I can't bring myself to care about isn't going to change that. [/rant]
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