About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Long time no reason to talk

 So It's 2024 and I've been away from this blog for a long time.  Alot has happened and... honestly it's not been great.

In 2022 Mom died.  It still doesn't feel entirely real.  Tulip, April and a few other of mom's dolls are here with me but I can't really bring myself to play with them.  I regret not going and picking up mom's stuff because Ron is genuinely the worst.  He's cut us out of the actual packing up of mom's things because I asked him to tell me when he wanted to do stuff and then he just did it himself and put a bunch of mom's stuff up in a damn second hand store.

BUT  I can't think on that too long because I'll get all upset all over again.  That stuff is gone just like mom.  And I don't have to talk to him.  I wish him the best with his kidney cancer but also I'm not mourning him.  He was never my dad in any sense, he was always step but never in that whole "Stepped up" sense.  I was never "his" and it has shown especially sharply now that mom's passed.  If she can see I hope she didn't see what he did.  And maybe she'd be mad at me for not being more proactive but I've never liked pushing Ron.  It felt like pushing or like I'd be a vulture.  As bad as it is.  I really wish he'd have gone first.

As for Doll stuff. 

IDK what mom would think about it but I'm planning on making a doll in tribute to her, a fairy to join Fig and Lotus (and the possible Aster).  Mom loved yellow and she loved Sunflowers... So Helianthus, the sunflower fairy would be yellow, have the new doublejointed limbed body, and either go with the Winter head or figure out who is down there at the bottom with her... which might be the Nian?  I'm not sure.  And I'll have to figure out wings for her.  Maybe glassing wings... I know one of my other dolls is supposed to have like... Dragonfly wings...  so this would either be like... Maybe hawkwing wings?  IDK, having them be solid is not really what I'd planned on but Lotus has the shell stuff that was planned...

Anyway.  that's cooking

I just figured I'd poke in here.  I still love my dolls I just sorta lost the love of the social aspects due to some shitty friends and stuff.  Shey has a doll so maybe I just show that stuff to her.  IDK.