About Me

My photo
So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I think I just spammed myself!

So I have finally gotten everyone into their own posts.  Might eventually have to put one up for mom's new bunny but as of right now, everyone other than the rabbit has a post and I'm happy with that.

I'm slowly working towards getting all my ducks in a row.  I wanna get all the RS dolls I know and own dolls made, I have Koth, Orn and marius to do both heads and bodies for.  I have some "for now's" up, Fig isn't quite how he should be, his legs and arms are too thin, same with Aster, plus right now I don't have a pixiu head on her, we'll get to that later.  For right now, I'm going to congratulate myself and then go lay the fuck down cus my stomach hurts.


Nickname: Tabby
Head: Lati Coco
Body: Lati special yellow (girl?)
Resin: white
Face up: Factory Coco
Eyes: Safrin doll
Hair: Factory coco hair
Extras: Some extra hands
Story:  Tabby is Tulip and Dylan's second kid.  Sassy little middle baby
History: Tabby is mom's second(?) doll, and what I like to call the "flood gate" doll  Were it not for her mom would have been perfectly happy with Tulip and maybe Dylan.  But that cute little coco sent mom awash with more dolly ideas.
Related/connected Dolls
Tulip           Mom        Post
Dylan          Dad         Post
April           Sister       Post
Ellie            Sister        Post


Nickname: Just Dylan
Head: JID Boris (pretty sure)
Body: JID Muscle type
Resin: White
Face up: Me again
Eyes: more safrin doll
Hair: mohair by mom
Extras: Murp?
Story:  Once more, not my doll, Hubs to Tulip, dad to April, tabby and Ellie
History: Mom looked hard and long... and found this boy.  ^_^
Related/connected Dolls
Tulip           Wife          Post
April           Daughter    Post
Tabby         Daughter    Post
Ellie            Daughter    Post


Nickname: nope, just April
Head: Ni
Body: 27cm RS female single jointed
Resin: white
Face up: by me
Eyes: Safrin doll, don't remember which.
Hair: Mohair by mom
Extras: Nah
Story:  This Is the current oldest of mom's three little girls, tabby and Ellie being her younger sisters.  Dylan and Tulip are her parents and other than that... murp.  mom's doll.
History: Most of this comes on about the face.  mom got her when she bought us our dragon boys which was super cool.  I decided to do her face one day and was doing well...  Did the last coat of spray... and there was a black bit of lint.  It wouldn't come out.  So frustrated I told mom she either was getting a mole or she was getting her face wiped.  Mom suggested freckles.  She's my first and she turned out ok.  Mom loves them but you know how it goes with your own stuff.
Related/connected Dolls
Tulip           Mom        Post
Dylan          Dad         Post
Tabby         Sister       Post
Ellie            Sister        Post

Monday, August 18, 2014


Nickname: Nope, just Logan
Head: Bao
Body: RS Single jointed 28cm boy body
Resin: Light Tan
Face up: Half assed one by me.  The boy loves it though O.o
Eyes: Safrin doll Juicy pear 12mm
Hair: Tibeten sheeps skin mohair
Extras: Put hooks in him that's about it
Story:  Logan is Muh eldest boys doll He -wanted the little guy to be Val's son but right now he's kinda sorta Vals nephew.  He's come to live with his uncle for unknown reasons
History: So when my son was about 6 and a half he decided he wanted a doll.  I assumed this would be a passing fancy so I indulged him for what I figured would be however long he kept at it.  He told me he wanted one just like Val and I was like... Noooo... you can have a smaller one.  Here, here's the little boy.  And he was like, Yea.  I told him he would have to pay for it himself.  He started saving.  I expected him to forget cus... I mean 130 bucks is a lot for a six year old.  He managed to stick with it ( until he was 8... damn good for him) and he piggy backed him with Satie.
Related/connected Dolls
Val        Uncle         His post
Cassie   Aunt           Her post
Lori       Cousin       Her post

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Update time

So I feel its time to do an update dump.  First thing I've already updated my dolls to all have the correct eyes in their profiles.  Feeling a little stupid that I hadn't done that yet >.>

Next up I plan on adding some of the other people dolls that are missing atm.  Logan doesn't have his own page, I think that April (mom's new girl) is still not even on here even though I did her face... Just some pages that need tossed up here.

Then I might just go about trying to update everyone with a pixel doll image since those are all murp atm.  IDK if I can do that cus... well I don't know if I've still got the images stashed away.  The comp has been screwed up a few times.  If not, then yay.  If I'm missing all the bases... THEN I'm going to have to go back through and reposes them from the dolls I've already made.

After I get basic dolls done I'm going to see about making more of the bigger dolls.  I've only done two of them and I really do prefer them to the littler ones, but the little ones are pretty quick and easy so I might end up with loads of them and only two of the others >.>  If I don't have the base for the two I've done, I might just toddle off to make dolls for my sis.

Either way I wanna work on this blog a little atm.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mega Meetup

So we (mom Keeley and I) went to the Dairyland Mega meetup.  That was fun.  We've been working on stuff to sell there for a while, Keeley sold like crazy, mom sold well and I sold one necklace.  Yep, just one. T_T BUT I sold one, and I had a blast.  Got to meet a Doll Chateau spider, and several modded dolls, one of which was a made centaur which was just so cool.  It made my spider doll Idea so real.... Like really real.  I'm thinking I might end up making her butt out of several SD bits... Cus >.> BIGGER!  I'll have to study and figure out what I'm doing with it cus there's a chance that I might actually figure out a spider to mimic (one that has a long skinny butt?) and then see if RS will send me unfinished cast peices... cus that would be the best.

BUUUT yea.  The other huge deal.. mom got a pipos rabbit in lavender.  It is so cute... but it turns out she might have gotten taken for a ride on the price, Which I feel terrible for cus I assumed that there was only one size of pipos critter and was very very wrong.  I think she's a limited and she's got the factory face, and mom loves her to absolute bits... but I still feel like shit for steering her towards getting it when it wasn't a good price.

Other than that, uneventful on the doll front.  I wanna get some fuckin faces painted but shit if I can bring myself to them atm, I think the problem is Marius is so damn huge and kinda still mystafies me as to what he should look like. then I have Koth to do as well which is like T_T He wouldn't be so bad if it was -ME- who was so sure about what he should look like T_T  Buut yea, this has devolved into bitching so I'ma stop.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The itch...

I have the planning itch again.  It's a horrible thing to have cus well... then I usually start planning more dolls... and then my husband gets irritated.... and I'm down to only four more dolls planned and I'm like T_T Want more!!!

But here we go.  planning itch!  So I'm thinking I might end up doing modded dolls after I'm done with my current four.  I've had this itch before, that spider girl is still running around in my brain.  Originally She was going to be a single jointed body with extra arms modded on and then another single jointed torso chopped and put on the back end so the last pair of legs could be added.

That don't do it for me no more.  Now what that does do for me at this juncture is remind me that Centaurs are awesome and we're probably never gonna get a centaur from RS... So I might could maybe end up making me a damn centaur and that could be badass.  But the spider girl has taken another different turn.

So my thought now is that, well I'm going to have to mod and probably epoxy this doll.  So why not just go for it?  Why not take a SJ body, add the arms like I'd planned on, but then take a DJ hip joint, an extra pair of SJ legs, put hooves on all the feet, and fabricate double joints into all her arms, then fabricate her a slightly mobile butt?  If I get really crazy, why not make the butt have spinnerets on it that could do stuff?  I've even considered adding an extra joint to the legs cus... well this is a fabrication project.

Another mod project I've considered is making jointed hands from RS hands.  PROOOOBABLY won't be able to, but hey! it'd be a fun project to try.  Teeensy tiiiiinsy joints because I'm totally not crazy as fuck.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Post puddle

Had an overwhelming and awesome weekend.  Looking back the only thing I truly regret... is getting so many damn bug bites.  IDK where they all came from but the one on the top of my foot and the one on the back of my leg are the worst.  We sold Five sweaters including the one that was a combo with the item Keely'd made so we're pretty stoked about how much we sold.  Five doesn't sound like a lot until you realize that the cheapest thing we had was 15 bucks and we only had one of those.

Puddle is an odd fish for sure, the lady who runs it is nice.... but SUPER high strung and perhaps being that it's her baby takes a few liberties that I'd prefer she didn't.  Keely had a stupidly awesome day at puddle she sold so much it's silly, selling two, maybe two and a half times more than she normally does.  Which I'm so happy for her.  We learned some good stuff, Saw that Toleka puts the ziplock on the bottom of her item's bags which is absolutely a better Idea than putting it on top under the paper.  I'm also going to suggest to mom that she not buy ziplock because Crap on a cracker I hate the white triangle on her bags, plus if she can get something without a colored seal, bonus points.  The only issue I have is that I feel as though if we're going to do this again, we need to have our own pulip to display.  Which I have no problem making a doll cus damn you know I don't mind painting and all that shit but I don't -like- pulips.  I like their clothes, I like the larger eyes... HATE the look of them.  That big head tiny body bullshit.  FUCK IT!  *siiigh* and after being around them for a weekend I'm totally inured to the look of them.

There were some rough patches but all and all I had a blast, I'm looking very forward to going to the dairyland mega meetup and now I need to go to my brother inlaws and help his fiance make stuff to go on their table at the wedding next weekend.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


So my good friend Keely and mom and I are going to puddle.  You know, the pulip convention in chicago?  No?  yea I didn't really know about it until Keely told me about it and I was like "Oh that's nice" when she first told me about it.  But she invited mom to go with her, and mom asked if it was ok if I came with and Keely was all about that idea... But of course money was an issue for me.  So muh stepdad was like "Well... We can pay for her to go!"

So I'm going!  And while I was really blah about the convention, the idea of going to a con with Keely and mom is totally out of this world YEE!  I'm really excited but it's kinda at the whim of others, so it's also a little scary.  It's also in chicago... so that's a little scary.  But mom and I have our own room, which is hella better than when we first started looking at doing this.  cus then it was like.... we were going to be rooming with 3 other people then there was going to be a 4th and blah blah... it was going to be a mess.  So we changed the plans and have our own room.  So I need very much so to figure out some stuff to work on in the hotel at night while we're chilling after the meet.

Buuuut yea, even though I'm apprehensive I'm still super toked. SO YEA! that's the skinny.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sewing win

I've been slowly piecing together an outfit for Marius.  He's supposed to look regal and his colors are going to be purple and bronze, so I made him a kinda kimono out of a pattern mom had a while ago, and that turned out fine.  Then the other day I wrote about making a tester... well that was for a vest for him, not like... Waist coat vest... I'm talkin like, tails vest.  Well I did a bunch of alterations and did a tester at moms, and I was pretty pleased with how it came out so tonight I actually sat my ass down at my machine and lo, I fuckin made that damn vest.  I'm really quite happy with it, I just need to get some kind of clasp that will work because it butts as opposed to overlaps.

I used some of the stuff we got at good will, which honestly this outfit is really the first one I've actually made entirely out of good will clothes, but I'm kinda liking it.  The fabrics I chose were pretty cool, a black fabric with a leaf pattern on it that was only partially opaque.  Under it I used this really neat gold/purple/silver stuff that under the black looks kinda bronzy.  I'm totally gonna have to show it off to mom tomorrow.

Speaking of mom, She and the sisterly unit decided they couldn't wait any longer for Junkyspot to get MSC in so they went and Ebayed that stuff.  So there are 2 cans of MSC headed my way, which I'm damn glad about because Xuza, Val and Lotus need redone, Marius, Koth, and Una all still need first facups.  Lordy I have a lot on my plate.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I SEW? Since when?

Well who'da thunk?  Today I went to mom's and I not only copied some patterns from some of her stuff so I could alter it, I altered one of them and actually made a test copy of it!  WOW!  and the tester came out mostly how I want it, so that's nice... Doesn't usually happen that way.  I've been trying a bunch of stuff unsuccessfully lately.  I went and tried to make wings for lotus... that failed.  I went and tried to make a pattern for this same vest I worked on today.. and totally screwed it up and then lost it.

SO yea.  I sewed today and I'm excited to have sewn.  Also, I recently decided on what the wings for my other fairies (clearly when I was trying to make the wings) and I'm so excited about what they are all going to be.  I found out that not only do grasshopper wings function really cool, but they can look totally badass.  BUUUT yea.  I'm rambleing

Monday, April 14, 2014

I made Progress? What?

So Today I fought with making Lotus wings, Oh that did not turn out well.  First off I don't have any parchment so I was using waxed paper.  Well that didn't work very well, the film tended towards getting cloudy... Plus while playing with temps I may have found ways to make the film do -Interesting- but not -Useful- stuff.  After fighting and fighting and getting frustrated and then inspired and then frustrated -again- I finally gave up on lotus's wings for the day.

But that isn't progress is it?  Nope! What I -DID-  was I finished  Marius' first outfit chunk.  He's got a kimono! YAAAAY.  Now all he needs is the vest for the top of it and some pants for under it.  I'm thinking I might make some drawn at the ankles Hakama pants... Either that or some tailored pants with lacing up the sides... *shrug*

But yea... it's the first dolly thing I've made in a while. T_T

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

S L O Dubaya

So... Back in fabuary I actually got those eyes for my crew.  They look awesome of course.  Koth has his wig done, Marius doesn't, I'm sloooowly working on it.  I've realized that Satie doesn't have any clothes that I've made for her and Marius clearly needs some duds... It's kinda frustrating to be honest because i really can't get into it atm.  Whiiiich sucks.

That is all >.<

Friday, January 31, 2014

all the wigs

So I have two wigs, one for Marius and one for Koth in the wings.  both have wig caps atm so that's cool.  I'm looking very forward to working on Marius though cus I'm trying a shaped wig cap this time, with a widow's peak.  Don't know if the peak will show but I hope it will.

In other news the eyes for a bunch of our dolls are in the wings atm.  Safrin doll is super backed up atm so hopefully she'll get caught up soon.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stokesia laevis

Nickname: (Stokes) Aster
Head: Pixiu
Body: Single jointed 27 cm torso with double jointed 27 cm arms and legs
Resin: Purple
Face up: Me!
Eyes: Probably pale yellow or the natural thundercloud from safrin doll.
Hair: Blue maybe?  It'll be one of my yarn wigs.
Extras:  magnets for wings?
Story:  Aster is the youngest and the most outgoing out of the three fairies.  She's the most likely to pull a mean prank on someone but also the most likely to actively help someone.  She's a bit of a tom boy but she has no problem being cute and sweet.  Unlike Lotus she's quite happy to muck about in jeans and a tee and get dirty and hands on but while Lotus likes to look adult, prim and orderly, Aster is quite happy in a baby doll dress and a mess of ruffles.  Aster's more active and hands on life have made her alittle bigger than lotus, a fact that Lotus abhors.  Aster has a mess of a style that she happily calls "American" It leans somewhere between "pirate" and "colonial".  Aster has Grasshopper wings.
History: Aster is the last of my fairies both in story age and the last one to become "figured out". First the purple doll was going to be a mei and therefor larger.  Then I knew that the purple wasn't right for the doll I wanted... By the time the purple changed and I decided it was ok to have more than one doll in a single color Pi and pixiu had come out.  I didn't know what head for sure cus I really don't wanna have multiples of the heads.  Pixiu just looked so adorable, feminine, and mischievous that I couldn't help it.  Once I decided that Pi need to be the prince's daughter everything else was sunk, Pixiu had to be my purple tom boy and I needed to find her a name.
Related/connected Dolls
Lotus     Friend      Her post 
Fig         Friend      His post 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dolls in.... Decision time

So we got our new boys yesterday and Marius is sitting thoughtfully on my desk as I try to think of what -EXACTLY I wanna do with him.  I'm (god forbid) leaning towards purple and orange... Yes I know! CRINGE!  I just put a purple wig on him and he's angry looking....  He looked good in Val's shoulder length green and black one but I don't really wanna put him in green... I mean it -could- work but I just don't like it for him.  I'm not thinking like... Bright yellowy orange either, I'm thinking more like copper/bittersweet more on the red side of orange possibly with metallic blushing..  I found several eyes I'm liking even if I don't go orange I'm looking at either ending up with blue or purple eyes right now... there are a few neutral colored ones I like but I'm just genuinely unsure.

Along with his eyes I have very little in the way of plans on how I'm going to blush him.  His hair, eyes and blushing all kinda go in the same vein.  Until I have one for sure then I don't know for sure what I'm going to do with the others.  Perhaps on Friday when I go to walmart I'll check out the yarn and see if I can get some Ideas though there's a damn good chance that I'll have to hit up Micheals because I want some homespun yarn for this and I know I don't have a/the color I wanna use of homespun...

Also... Marius has the frigging biggest case... Like ever.  Damn thing's an SD case.. not just an SD a 70's case.  It's enormous.  And I feel like a sociopath carrying him around cus it's almost big enough to be a small rifle case...  And I wear a hoody.  Nothing could go wrong with this.

Edit: oops! I was going to post this here... Cranky Marius

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Waiting times are strange

So Waiting for Marius has been easily my easiest wait and Satie has easily been my worst.  I'm really REALLY unsure as to why that is.  As excited as I am I have not been chomping at the bit, or getting nervous while I waited for my email to load.  I've been checking EMS now that he's shipped several times a day but it's not like it's been before where I can't get him off my mind.  I'm not saying I'm not excited, I'm just not as excited as I've been in the past.

There are any number of reasons why I'm not so blisteringly blindly retard excited, I'm actually a little unsure about his body for one.  I think there's a good chance he's gonna get a good ole fashion sanding to remove some of the veining on him.  I'm a little scared actually that his Mu head is going to be too "soft" for his big muscly body... But I love Mu's head to death... and once I get him... I can't wait for them to put out a female version so that I can get my Yao, or maybe there will be a way for me to swap bits between Satie and him so that I can make the female version (who more and more might end up with small titties... IDK it just feels right...)

Either way I just checked and he (and two other dolls that are in the box with him) hit Des Moines at 8:11 tonight and I'm kinda hoping that they'll hit town and mom's house tomorrow.  Now is the first time I've felt the flutter in my tummy of the impending dollyness.  I guess I'm just not huge on boys... maybe that's why his kid is going to be a daughter... *shrug*  it doesn't matter though.  I'm getting him almost assuredly in the next two days... TWO DAMN DAYS!

On an unrelated note... I'm going to try and start taking photos of the things I do and posting them in the blog.  So like.. the super cute knit wardrobe Lori got... Pics.  The almost finished dry sink?  Pics!  And Oh man oh man, I NEEEED to remember to take pics of all facups.  ALL.  But yea, FUN.  Maybe I'll get to post more tomorrow... with Marius in muh lap.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Zaria Laetitia

Nickname: Zary, princess
Head: Autumn
Body: Pixiu/pi (likely with the torso swapped out for the standard 1/6 female torso)
Resin: Red
Face up: By me (gold highlights)
Eyes: Metallic gold hopefully
Hair: Probably red dreads or a fur wig.
Extras: Pi's horns probably temporarily since they are so huge, we'll see.  If not I'll figure a horn bit that will match her parents horns.
Story:  Daughter of Marius and Rosaline and likely the heir after her father Zaria is the perfect "I totally didn't do it and even if you saw me I was coerced" princess.  She'd relish a playmate and scape goat for her antics but manages to be prim and lovely whenever the need calls for it.  Otherwise she's a child, she gets her fine clothes dirty by sneaking food, peals out of the dress she begged to wear a few minutes ago and otherwise is a bit of a terror.  She has her mother's tenacity and her father's ability to obfuscate, when she's being good she's an angel, bad, the devil.
History: When pixiu came out I about lost my mind happy.  There was a little dragon, many things with "the prince" and his "slave" just fell into place.  I was so happy I decided they needed to be an adorable totally dysfunctional family.  Daddy Ming the prince dragon, mommy Yao the slave dragon and Pixiu the prince!  I had it all figured totally up.  I wanted the SJ male torso with the dragon limbs and that would be it!  Then I got to thinking right when I was looking at names for Marius.  I wasn't sure I wanted a boy dragon... I kinda wanted a dragon girl.  I started looking for girl names and things once more, just fell into place, I'm hoping that I can get the wing magnets to stick to the inside of her torso so that I can do this proper.  But wait! There's more!  So at first, the head was going to be a pixiu, I had plans for all the other heads afterall.  Then Pi came out and I was like Oh it's so sweet!  It wasn't perfect but I liked it.  As of this editing the new centaur deer babies came out and I'm in deep smit.  As I was looking through them I came on to autumn, simmilar face to Pi, that same slightly downturned mouth but the eyes and ears were WAAAY better for a Yao/ming baby...  So she's changed again, this time she's got the autumn head.
Related/connected Dolls
Marius         Father          His page
Rosaline       Mother         Her page

Marius Impero

Nickname: Prince or Marius
Head: Ming
Body: RS MSD dragon boy (sui)
Resin: Dark grey
Face up: By me (metalic?  maybe blue or red?  Not sure)
Eyes:  Safrin doll Solar eclipse 16mm
Hair: He might actually have a fur wig, but if he does have a yarn wig like the rest of my resins, he'll have dreads in a complimentary color, Maybe even white or grey.
Extras:  Horns, probably the Ming horns, and then whatever they come out with for the 1/4 size dragon bits.
Story:  Marius Impero is the Dragon Prince, he's the son of a dragon that rules the forest that  most of my fantasy dolls live in.  He's spoiled and headstrong but fairly reasonable so long as you don't challenge him.  He's been gifted a lesser dragon concubine named Rosaline who is his devout servant and lover.  She's birthed (at least)one child (looking like it'll be a female red dragon child).  He has an affection for her and is protective of her but doesn't particularly respect her person-hood in any way shape or form, she's like a beloved pet or prized toy.

History:  He started off as a ming, just a regular ming, still was a prince of the forest but he was a satyr, he was going to have an "elven" concubine.  Then Pixiu came out and I got wind that resinsoul was thinking about making an adult dragon doll and I about shat myself.  I was already reeling with my brain demanding a pixiu in my collection, then when I found out about the 1/4 stuff everything started falling into place.  I had never really liked Rosaline as a normal skin doll, I felt it was just too plain, even if it would work ok, I wanted her to be pink but it didn't make that much sense... I'd kept leaning towards her being pink.  This fixed it all, Pixiu would be their son (cus there were no females) and they'd both be dragons.
*Now Marius has been ordered by mom, a xmas present, and up till this point he hadn't been named.  I still  don't know a lot of his particulars like blushing colors, wig and eye colors.
*Marius is much more solid visually now.  Instead of yellow or red eyes he's got orange and purple safrin doll eyes, He's got a purple and grey wig instead of just grey or white like I'd originally assumed.  I'm going to be blushing him soon and my plan is copper and purple.
Relpated/connected Dolls
Rosaline       Servant        Her page
Zaria            Daughter      Her page

Monday, January 6, 2014

new kids and -16

So mom decided that we needed new dollies for xmas.  So I have a Sui with a Ming head on it's way... Oh yea, Sui is the MSD DRAGON BOY FROM RS! OH YEAAA! >.> Yea I'm a little stoked about it, We're at the "It's time the doll should ship" point and about 2 days ago I was told that it should ship in about 2 days.  So he should be on his way now in theory, haven't gotten an official "Here's your tracking number" email... which is fine but I'm getting itchy for it >.<

That leaves me with a problem.  The Prince may well be on his way as I type... and I don't have a name outside of "Dragon Prince" so... I need a name for him, I haven't decided what colors I'm going to have him blushed in, likely red and gold though but not certain.  He's gonna be dark colored and I'm going to try and mature the Ming head up a bunch.  Being that poor Jesene still doesn't have a face neither does Addy... pretty bad on me.  I tried to get Addy once and had a shit of a time with her.  I have so many faces I need to make right now it's not even funny.

Talking about things that aren't funny... it was -16 this morning.  So my car doesn't start right now, it's bitterly cold to the point of painful to breath outside.  And I need milk.  T_T Suuuuck.

But rather than sulking on that note, I've been doing all sorts of dolly stuff that's good.  Mom and I get together on Thursdays and do crafty stuff.. So we painted all our wood stuff, the hutch thing I got many moons ago just needs some fancy little handles on the doors and it'll be done.  Got lots of little things done, Many many tiny tiny dresses for Lori and a little hat and diaper cover... knit the dresses... yep, I knit now... O.O apparently I knit backwards and forwards... but I don't really pearl >.> so that's a bit of a problem... Once I get that down I'll be doing pretty well.

Otherwise... I'm just chilling.  The littelest Baijo decided he wants a doll too so we'll see if he actually does that >.< probably would be another boa >.<  Or maybe he'd pick a female and name it after his imaginary friend like about eight of his stuffed animals...