So if you know me you know I love... LOVE the small comfort sculpt. It's the first doll I've ever looked at and said to myself that I MUST own that doll. There has never been another doll that I have wanted to wholeheartedly as that little baby doll. But if you're reading my blog you're probably aware that I do not yet have that doll. I have had the opportunity to buy one on at least 2 occasions prior to now and the ability to buy on SEVERAL ocasions prior to now. The most recent being that my father and my mother both offered to buy me a doll, my father for my birthday and my mother for Christmas. I felt the need to tell them to hold off on this doll both times simply because you can't just -buy- a small comfort. See felix doll the company that cast them, They went bankrupt and no one is selling the small comforts.
Now to the present... when I once more have not the means to buy my Lori. I have been approached by someone who resurrected my long dead "willing to buy" thread that I made back when I -did- have the money and then my car went and got buggered. She is offering to sell me a human headed small comfort (not the right head but the head is not the hard part to get). I told her I don't have the money for it but I might be able to Raise the money... She's given me till the 10th of January. I have never wanted money so much in my life. Oh lottery winnings where are you when I need you?
Either way, if you're interested in a commission, be it wig, jewelry or clothes... I'm loath to turn down anything. hell I'm loath to turn down donations right now... And I really don't like the Idea of donations for a doll.
About Me
- Lynn Nexus
- So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Nymphaea caerulea
Old profile
Nickname: (Nile) LotusMold
Head: Bei
Body: ResinSoul Single jointed female tiny
Resin: light blue
Face up: will be my me
Eyes: Looking at either a soft yellow, gold or purple. I'll have to see what it looks like on her.
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. Her hair color will reside in the "lavender" color range
Extras: As a fairy she will be modded ever so slightly so that her wings will stick, likely that means that she'll have a magnet inside her torso.
Story: She is one of my planned fairies. She's a very prim little thing, Ordered, prissy, almost to the extend of being curt.
Her name will -LIKELY- be Lotus but I'm really in love with the flower's petals for Poppy and how I'll be able to buy them... Not crazy about the name as poppy though. So likely she's going to be Lotus... but just in case, her full name as (Himalayan) Poppy would be Meconopsis grandis.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
so a while back Tien ended up taking a dive and busting her pinky off her right hand so I immediately got into a group order for a new pair of hands for her. Well when the order arrived and I looked at the image, I didn't say it but the hands looked funny. I assumed it was just the flash or something but I got them yesterday and I tell you... I was quite shocked. They are totally different hands. they aren't bad hands... they just aren't what I ordered, palm to finger proportions are totally off, the hand is flat instead of curled like it is in the old hands... I am not going to do anything about it... and I'm not even complaining... they are quite pretty... But I'm surprised... and a little irritated. It's like no one else can see the difference. bit I can't stop seeing the difference. I'm really glad they aren't for my doll cus I might have to have a fit if they were.
On another note... the white skin really REALLY yellows fast. I've had Tien since April about? not sure... but it's been since this late spring early summer. And she's gone from paper white to ever so slightly off white and these new hands showcase that like CRAZY. It's not even that bad... but it drives me NUTS. So i wrapped them in tissue and set them infront of the compy to heat yellow like Cassie did. I hope they even their color fast.
On another note... the white skin really REALLY yellows fast. I've had Tien since April about? not sure... but it's been since this late spring early summer. And she's gone from paper white to ever so slightly off white and these new hands showcase that like CRAZY. It's not even that bad... but it drives me NUTS. So i wrapped them in tissue and set them infront of the compy to heat yellow like Cassie did. I hope they even their color fast.
Monday, December 6, 2010
So my new girl, my little blue fairy thats on order, is apparently being very difficult to name. I could pick a simple pretty blue flower but NO!! I want a compound flower with a good name that looks neat in the very tidy sort of way. But I'm just not finding anything that even comes close to what I want/need, closest I've found so far is the Nile lotus. I -hope- I can find out what the flower I found a pic of but couldn't find a name for will soon somehow get found and be suitable.
Grag. My brain is so full right now I don't even know what to think. I'm stressed, trying to do oodles of different things, get the house fixed up and respectable, got to get the tree up.. gotta get a PLACE to put the tree.. Commisions T_T So much stuff.
Grag. My brain is so full right now I don't even know what to think. I'm stressed, trying to do oodles of different things, get the house fixed up and respectable, got to get the tree up.. gotta get a PLACE to put the tree.. Commisions T_T So much stuff.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Ficus Carcia
Head: Bao
Body: ResinSoul Single jointed male tiny
Resin: green
Face up: will be by me
Eyes: Looking at either Yellow or an orangy brown. Will have to see what it looks like on him. Likely the "natural" autumn leaves by Safrin doll.
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. Fig's hair color will reside in the "teal" color range
Extras: As a fairy he will be modded ever so slightly so that his wings will stick, likely that means that he'll have a magnet inside his torso.
Story: Fig is one of my planned fairies. He is going to be a bit of a prankster and a very free spirit. He is probably the most laid back of the group, sometimes being called lazy by the others but he just likes to weigh his options before bothering with anything. Truly he might be the wisest one of them but Lotus especially will not admit it. His Flower is the Fig flower, a complex functional flower. Fig has a very loose, European style, put together yet still sloppy. Fig has dragonfly wings.
History: Fig actually was the first of my fairies to be named. After I decided that I wanted three 27-28 cm dolls for my fairies I knew it would be one boy and 2 girls. after Lotus got purchased I started looking for flowers and stuff to name them. Well I needed a -green- flower for him that had cool leaves... and wouldn't you know it, the common Fig has a really neat looking flower and it's totally green. So TADA. he was named a good week before Lotus... which is kinda sad.
Related/connected Dolls
Lotus Friend Her post
Aster Friend Her post
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Head: Ju
Body: ResinSoul Single jointed male MSD
Resin: Light tan
Face up: By me. Tattoo is great... but the rest could use some help
Eyes: D eye Y eyes I made with prisma color markers
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. Val's "natural" hair is black. He's currently wearing his black and green punk wig.
Extras: Val's head is actually a female head that I made up to try and look male. If Resinsoul was really nice to me... they'd make another male torso that was just a bit wider and then it could be more manly >.>
Story: I'll have to free verse something more story like some time. Cassie's hubby and Lori's Dad. He's a sweetheart to Cassie and looks very forward to meeting his little girl... who isn't bought yet so... I can tell the future I guess..
History: Val came about because Cassie needed an explanation as to why she could have a pinky peach baby.. when she's white. So... Well I decided I needed a tan or darker male for her hubby... ENTER VAL! Received him on 4/25/2010, and he's the first (and as of yet only) doll I've purchased ^_^
*So Resinsoul has put out a newer body (same time marius's bod came out) and Val is slated to get a updated body.
Related/connected Dolls
Cassie Wife Her post
Lori Daughter Her post
Monday, November 29, 2010
Xmas surprise!
So today I went to my mom's house to hang out, she wanted to do a mini doll meet. It was great, we made crapes, mom showed us all her xmas decorations... Entertained us with her little magnetic Ice ring's antics that it showed her one day (magnet can be a blast) then she asked to see our doll wish lists. She wanted to know what dolls we wanted next, said she wanted to see what they looked like. Well the next doll on my list is my ultimate wish doll... but it's hard to get. It's from Felix doll and after they went bankrupt it's next to impossible to get this particular doll. None of the places that sell Felix sell small comforts... and the only place that you can get it isn't selling them right now cus of problems with fulfililng orders. and my mom goes "Oh... well that makes a problem.. cus I wanted to get you both your next dolls."
O.O and I'm like.. . T_T my small comfort is next to impossible to get till February at the earliest. So she goes.. well I really wanted to buy you a doll... and I'm like.. I have others... "Pick one" ^o^ So I have a doll on order! O.O a light blue Bei! I probably should have gone with my dark tan rong... but for some reason... I just had to have the bei ^_^ and I'm really stoked! I have to see if I can make a blog entry for her... and get her name figured XD so much to do!
O.O and I'm like.. . T_T my small comfort is next to impossible to get till February at the earliest. So she goes.. well I really wanted to buy you a doll... and I'm like.. I have others... "Pick one" ^o^ So I have a doll on order! O.O a light blue Bei! I probably should have gone with my dark tan rong... but for some reason... I just had to have the bei ^_^ and I'm really stoked! I have to see if I can make a blog entry for her... and get her name figured XD so much to do!
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Head: Sprite
Body: Bobobie Mature Female MSD (lightly modded)
Resin: White
Face up: By me.
Eyes: inexpensive Acrylic. red at current.
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. She's got a blond and a pink one.
Extras: Tien's wrists are modded so that she doesn't have the infamous "sleeve" arm thing going on and I've increased her elbow posability with some strategic sanding. She's a gift to my dearest friend Becky, she liked Cassie so much I decided to get her her first doll just like Cassie was given to me ^_^
Story: This is not my doll So I just know the things I've been told but Tien is supposed to be Cassie's sister, sonds like the pair of them may get a song brother in the future.
Related/connected Dolls
Cassie Sister Her post
Tristen Brother His post (on my Sisters Blog)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Head: Mei
Body: Resinsoul single jointed Female MSD
Resin: Grey
Face up: by me. Love the lips on this one.
Eyes: Safrin Sunflower
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. Xuza has green hair "naturally" and her highlight/lowlight hair is green, blue, and yellow mixed.
Extras: Xuzi might end up getting a new head at some point to replace the head that took a nose dive into the asphalt.
Story: This is my sisters doll so I have no claims to who she is or what she does. I know that she'll eventually have a sprite head rong body sister, and maybe even a bei little sister. She's supposed to be a drow of sorts, but like I said. she's my sisters and she is the one who knows who and what Xuza is.
Her page on my sister's blog Here
Looking sideways
Things aren't really looking up or anything, but they are doing better at the moment. Things are calm. Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. I discovered a new chocolate pie... and it will be the death of me... it's waaaaay too yummy I think I might have to convert it to an ice cream pie though... as good as it is, it could be so much better. Turkey was good. Leftovers are some how better. I suppose it's the pie crust the turkey went into. Turkey pot pie is epic. Gotta see if the mom in law still has her ex around so I can find out if the kids can go to her place this weekend.
Nothings going on on the doll front. I have two wigs to work on and the kids keep getting in my way. I wanna get them hammered out and fast. they are commission wigs T_T and that would mean 24 more bucks into the dolly savings for my baby doll. We'll have to see if I can get any of it done tonight or tomorrow. The straight hair will DEFINITELY get started tonight cus i wanna try something my mom suggested.
Nothings going on on the doll front. I have two wigs to work on and the kids keep getting in my way. I wanna get them hammered out and fast. they are commission wigs T_T and that would mean 24 more bucks into the dolly savings for my baby doll. We'll have to see if I can get any of it done tonight or tomorrow. The straight hair will DEFINITELY get started tonight cus i wanna try something my mom suggested.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Move: done ish
So we finished our move. But not totally... I have lots of stuff to organize but we're out of the old place. Things just are determined to piss me off. Our phone and net are fuckered up. They told me wed the net would be back on when I had it switched, now they tell me Friday. thats kind of a big deal to those of us who have to deal with having TWO MORE days without internet and phone. It sucks... SO hard. But yea. I'm not pleased. And I'm currently SO tired. Later alls
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sick kids
>.< Man I hate it when the kids are sick. Mikey's got sinus congestion that makes him complain of a headache and that his eyes hurt and the baby... OOOooooh the baby. His nose is running like a frigging faucet, poor little thing is just like... Hold me... I hurt mommy. and to top that off with the move... yea... less fun than an appendectomy. I'm hoping that the kids will clear up soon but it seems like this years cold is just an ongoing trial. No end in sight, I hope it decides to give the little ones a break eventually.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Head: Sprite
Body: Bobobie Mature Female MSD (lightly modded)
Resin: White (Yellowed)
Face up: I'm told it's an enhanced factory face up. I will miss it greatly if it chips.
Eyes: Safrin Doll Iris 16 mm
Hair: Yarn Wigs by me. Cassie's "natural" hair is brown. She frequently wears a red and brown or a purple and brown punk wig.
Extras: Cassie's wrists are modded so that she doesn't have the infamous "sleeve" arm thing going on and I've increased her elbow posability with some strategic sanding. She is my first doll and I love her to bits even though she's imperfect. I could never part with her, she is the foundation of my dolls and I would be heartbroken without her.
Story: I'll have to free verse something more story like some time. Val's wife and Lori's mom. My sister her brother, Tristen. Tada.. She's me as a doll but not ^_^
History: Cassie was actually both my first doll and a gift. My dear friend Maria decided she wanted us to both be into these weird "Dolfies" she'd found and she did a bunch of research and stuff... finally she told me she was gonna send me a doll O.O "but maria.. they are so expensive" "Yea the one I think I'm going to get for you will be about 180 dollars. She's pretty inexpensive" "HOMG!" yea, how silly am I?but after much waiting and hemming and hawing, my dear friend sent me Cassie along with a brown wig, blue eyes and a slew of doodads to go with. She's gone through some changes, and I love her to ITY BITTY BITS! Don't remember when I got her though >.< Her family has gotten smaller, Tien never really made sense as her sister being that my friend wanted her to be a half dragon.
Related/connected Dolls
Val Hubby His post
Lori Daughter Her post
Tristen Brother His post (on my Sisters Blog)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Incoming doll rant
Since writing this rant I have come upon some inaccuracies in my rant. I am aware of them, please take this for what it is. Someone shooting their mouth off because they are anoyed and leave it as is. I'm not changing it or deleting it.
So ResinSoul just put up their new dolls. AAaaaand I'm not that impressed with the heads. For some unknown reason They seem to have an obsession with putting out human eared dolls.but Fuckin shit I want more Elven eared assholes. Specifically they haven't put out any new elven eared MALES. The females... the new head came out with both ears. And I love that. Hell I wish that they'd put the two versions of the ears as the same sculpt on their site and have it a drop down menu.. that... would be epic. It'd be so fantastic. God If I ran their website.. or at least were able to tell them HOW to do it instead of letting them do it like they do... It would be WAY easier to navigate.
But back to where I was going... There is only ONE elven eared male doll. Song. And there are several human eared dolls... Mai, An, And now Wu. Three human eared... and then there is Jun... the fucking mermaid eared doll.... God I hate those fucking ears DX But out of Five dolls... I suppose they aren't doing that badly... except they teased me by putting out the new female head in both. I can't tell you how many people have asked "well I wanted (insert mold) in (insert different ear)" Resinsoul makes their money off being versatile... That's why everyone I know buys their dolls... Well and the fact that their cheap... but you keep coming back for the versatility. Why not make ears an option rather than a new head? It would cut down on confusion a lot, and you'd free up a lot more head names >.< "Li Human" "Li Elven" tadaaaaa!! Spiffy!
And the female half of this new group makes me sad. The new human eared head... would be perfect for a geisha... it comes on an immature bust... But she's too fucking tall. Seriously. WAY too tall to be an Asian next to my sister's elf. She'd be about... oh a centimeter and a half taller than my sisters Grey Mei. and the head is going to look like a bobble head on the body that the geisha was planned on. >o< the new beast legs are fucking epic. And I like the new hands... without a doubt. The elven eared head is lovely, but... Wow it doesn't have a place in my collection. Not even a little. She's not right to make my Deadwood Dryad and I knew she wouldn't be... She certainly hasn't replaced Rong as my fawn... and there's just... not a place for her. And that makes me sad. I really like her..... I do!! but I've got too many dolls planned as it is, and she just does not fit in any of the spots I have... and I don't have any more spots opening any time soon. She's not... enough to make me put her on there. There's nothing about her that screams at me. She's pretty! but Rong is prettier.
This concludes my dolly update rant ^_~
So ResinSoul just put up their new dolls. AAaaaand I'm not that impressed with the heads. For some unknown reason They seem to have an obsession with putting out human eared dolls.but Fuckin shit I want more Elven eared assholes. Specifically they haven't put out any new elven eared MALES. The females... the new head came out with both ears. And I love that. Hell I wish that they'd put the two versions of the ears as the same sculpt on their site and have it a drop down menu.. that... would be epic. It'd be so fantastic. God If I ran their website.. or at least were able to tell them HOW to do it instead of letting them do it like they do... It would be WAY easier to navigate.
But back to where I was going... There is only ONE elven eared male doll. Song. And there are several human eared dolls... Mai, An, And now Wu. Three human eared... and then there is Jun... the fucking mermaid eared doll.... God I hate those fucking ears DX But out of Five dolls... I suppose they aren't doing that badly... except they teased me by putting out the new female head in both. I can't tell you how many people have asked "well I wanted (insert mold) in (insert different ear)" Resinsoul makes their money off being versatile... That's why everyone I know buys their dolls... Well and the fact that their cheap... but you keep coming back for the versatility. Why not make ears an option rather than a new head? It would cut down on confusion a lot, and you'd free up a lot more head names >.< "Li Human" "Li Elven" tadaaaaa!! Spiffy!
And the female half of this new group makes me sad. The new human eared head... would be perfect for a geisha... it comes on an immature bust... But she's too fucking tall. Seriously. WAY too tall to be an Asian next to my sister's elf. She'd be about... oh a centimeter and a half taller than my sisters Grey Mei. and the head is going to look like a bobble head on the body that the geisha was planned on. >o< the new beast legs are fucking epic. And I like the new hands... without a doubt. The elven eared head is lovely, but... Wow it doesn't have a place in my collection. Not even a little. She's not right to make my Deadwood Dryad and I knew she wouldn't be... She certainly hasn't replaced Rong as my fawn... and there's just... not a place for her. And that makes me sad. I really like her..... I do!! but I've got too many dolls planned as it is, and she just does not fit in any of the spots I have... and I don't have any more spots opening any time soon. She's not... enough to make me put her on there. There's nothing about her that screams at me. She's pretty! but Rong is prettier.
This concludes my dolly update rant ^_~
Friday, November 12, 2010
Kill me now
Soooo... theres nothing like the smell of fresh varnish.. if you're looking for brain damage... Our new apartment is "done" and some of the varnish is still tacky. There are spots on the floor where there is no varnish and the place reeks to high heaven of chemicals. I don't know what to do about it because I know that the office won't do anything to fix that... but I really REALLY want them to put another layer of that varnish on to be sure they got all the floor this time.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Doll base line
So I figure I should start out with what dolls I have... since I wanna have all my doll stuff on here... So with no further adieu!
At home
Cassandra~ Bobobie Sprite, mature bust, white skin (yellowed)
Cassie is my first doll. She was a gift to me from a VERY good friend Whom I love to itty bitty bits.She is currently the Queen of the doll roost and has spawned several ideas. She apparently has a sister and a brother, and she does have a hubby and a daughter. My Val is her hubby and my soon to be Lori is her daughter. She has no seriously set personality or story as of right now, she's just a fun doll that I like to dress up i n all kinds of clothes...
Valerian~ Resinsoul Ju, Male (single jointed) body, Light tan skin
Val is a facilitating doll. When I saw the small comfort (my soon to be Lori) I JUST knew I had to have one... but they don't come in white skin so She had to have a daddy since her mommy (Cassie) would make sense. So I decided I needed a darker skinned male doll to be Cassie's hubby. I needed him to be an elf, and that was about it. Well at the time, the only elf eared Resinsoul or Bobobie male doll was Song... and he looks too much like cassie for me to get that as her hubby so I had to get creative. Ju was just the only other one that fit, and so I took and manned one up a bit.. and now we have Val ^_^
Planning: named
Loreli~ Felix small comfort, Fairy head, Natural skin
Small comfort it the first sculpt I've ever.... EVER seen and said to myself "I Want that doll!" no questions, no ifs not nothing. Just immediately fell in love with those chubby little legs and fat little baby belly. My hubby named her and Val at the same time, which was shocking. Since I have been riding the roller coaster trying to get her. every time I've had the money saved up to get her I ended up not being able to get her. Hopefully the stars will align this Feb... and Lori will finally come home ^o^
Planning: Unnamed
Deadwood Dryad:~ Resinsoul mei (or modded Fei) single jointed body, lavender skin.
when I found out that you can have a purple doll I was soooo excited. I mean... PURPLE! Then I met a purple doll, I knew they were grayish... But this baby was -GRAY- I didn't even recognize it as the purple skin. It was almost indistinguishable from my sisters Grayskin Mei. And thus the sculpt and color fell to the wayside on my wishlist. But don't you know it I never -really- gave up on the idea. Originally my mei was going to be a fairy but bored with what I was doing at work I contemplated it out and got a different Idea. A dryad who's tree died but she instead of her tree she protects autumn and the dead blossoms so that new growth can begin in spring. Tentatively She'll be my Fawn's GF.
Fawn~ Resinsoul Rong, standard body+beast legs in dark tan
When I first saw rong I thought "God look at those dopey ears... they look like DEER ears!" Clearly i was not her fan at first. Then The more I looked at her the more I realized, They DID look like Deer ears! Thus My Fawn was thought of. At the time there were no legs to go with, and she was a really vague idea. At some point, when My mei was going to be a fairy I thought "Wouldn't it be fun for my fairy and fawn to be lovers?" Well that stuck more than the Fairy part did. I wanted her to be a robust nature spirit and when I decided that my Mei would be a Dryad, their relationship was set in stone.
Fairy Family ~
~~Resinsoul Bei, standard body in blue,
~~Resinsoul Bei, Bobobie body, dyed purple
~~Resinsoul Bao, standard body, in green
So once upon a time I saw Bei and was like.. OMG she's cute! and I thought that I'd love to make a little fairy family, with a little bei, Color indeterminate, but I KNEW I wanted a crazy color, cus I wanted to do a crazy face up. I knew I wanted to make a really cute little blue doll and a green doll, and if at all possible a purple doll. i thought, twin girls in different colors plus an older sister? (remember that Mei from earlier?) Well then I found out the whole shenanigans with the purple resin being SOOO gray and this group went into flux. I wanted a purple doll but the Mei was just... I didn't know. Finally when I decided on the deadwood dryad I dropped the purple doll out of the mix. By this time I was no longer enamored with the twins idea and I had seen a bao in a different wig than he's pictured in on the site... and he was so cheeky and cute... I loved him. So I needed to get myself him in green and the little bei in blue. NP ^o^ Then I saw a WONDERFUL dyed doll, the skin tone was even and lovely, and it was perfect. The dyed dolls I had see before were so horrifically mottled and rather ugly. So I thought to myself, if they can make their doll perfectly dyed, why couldn't you? So a little dyed purple bei (or perhaps a different sculpt since they WILL have more before I can buy her) got added back into the list.
Mermaid~ Minette soom head, soom torso, Peapod mermaid tail. Color white (preference) and purple (preference)
one of my first wishes when I got into the hobby was to have a mermaid doll, I saw the centaurs and thought to myself the only thing cooler than a centaur would be a mermaid. So I looked and kept an eye out... saw tinybear's dolls and was repulsed, Saw a SD special order for them, saw the numerous "mermaid" dolls that still had legs and was irritated to the max. then one blissful day I saw Peapod hooves while looking for hooves for pukipuki's When I cruzed their website I saw that they had a listing for "under the sea" and inside there was "witch" and "princess" and I about flipped my lid. then a long and arduous hunt for the perfect doll dragged out until Minnette came out. Ironically a centaur tiny had the head I wanted for my dolly and it would be a compatible company. I'm currently saving up for her via dieting rewards ^_^
Fairy land littlefee Soo Dark Elf female
I cam across this doll while I was looking for my mermaids head and I really fell for the little tramp. She's absolutely lovely. I'd like to have her some day but I doubt I'll ever have enough money to actually buy her. but some day.... I'd like to have her.
Fairyland Pukipuki (numerous face plates wanted)
I've always loved Pukipuki's. they are tinsy wincy, they are expressive, they have SOOO MANY face plates... yea I love them alllllll.... I really... REALLY want the polar bear face plate and the cat one. So SOME DAY! I shall have both for a little shifter Pukipuki... that will be same "story"/"world" as the pukifee
Centaur (Brand undecided)
Likely this will be soom's new centaur tiny either as part of the mer or on it's own. If I get the little bugger on it's own I'll get the alk/yrie head for it I have so few plans other than "HORSEY BUTT!" it's not funny. There is a TIIIINY chance that I might end up getting both a yrie and a minette and popping the heads between the pair.
At home
Cassandra~ Bobobie Sprite, mature bust, white skin (yellowed)
Cassie is my first doll. She was a gift to me from a VERY good friend Whom I love to itty bitty bits.She is currently the Queen of the doll roost and has spawned several ideas. She apparently has a sister and a brother, and she does have a hubby and a daughter. My Val is her hubby and my soon to be Lori is her daughter. She has no seriously set personality or story as of right now, she's just a fun doll that I like to dress up i n all kinds of clothes...
Valerian~ Resinsoul Ju, Male (single jointed) body, Light tan skin
Val is a facilitating doll. When I saw the small comfort (my soon to be Lori) I JUST knew I had to have one... but they don't come in white skin so She had to have a daddy since her mommy (Cassie) would make sense. So I decided I needed a darker skinned male doll to be Cassie's hubby. I needed him to be an elf, and that was about it. Well at the time, the only elf eared Resinsoul or Bobobie male doll was Song... and he looks too much like cassie for me to get that as her hubby so I had to get creative. Ju was just the only other one that fit, and so I took and manned one up a bit.. and now we have Val ^_^
Planning: named
Loreli~ Felix small comfort, Fairy head, Natural skin
Small comfort it the first sculpt I've ever.... EVER seen and said to myself "I Want that doll!" no questions, no ifs not nothing. Just immediately fell in love with those chubby little legs and fat little baby belly. My hubby named her and Val at the same time, which was shocking. Since I have been riding the roller coaster trying to get her. every time I've had the money saved up to get her I ended up not being able to get her. Hopefully the stars will align this Feb... and Lori will finally come home ^o^
Planning: Unnamed
Deadwood Dryad:~ Resinsoul mei (or modded Fei) single jointed body, lavender skin.
when I found out that you can have a purple doll I was soooo excited. I mean... PURPLE! Then I met a purple doll, I knew they were grayish... But this baby was -GRAY- I didn't even recognize it as the purple skin. It was almost indistinguishable from my sisters Grayskin Mei. And thus the sculpt and color fell to the wayside on my wishlist. But don't you know it I never -really- gave up on the idea. Originally my mei was going to be a fairy but bored with what I was doing at work I contemplated it out and got a different Idea. A dryad who's tree died but she instead of her tree she protects autumn and the dead blossoms so that new growth can begin in spring. Tentatively She'll be my Fawn's GF.
Fawn~ Resinsoul Rong, standard body+beast legs in dark tan
When I first saw rong I thought "God look at those dopey ears... they look like DEER ears!" Clearly i was not her fan at first. Then The more I looked at her the more I realized, They DID look like Deer ears! Thus My Fawn was thought of. At the time there were no legs to go with, and she was a really vague idea. At some point, when My mei was going to be a fairy I thought "Wouldn't it be fun for my fairy and fawn to be lovers?" Well that stuck more than the Fairy part did. I wanted her to be a robust nature spirit and when I decided that my Mei would be a Dryad, their relationship was set in stone.
Fairy Family ~
~~Resinsoul Bei, standard body in blue,
~~Resinsoul Bei, Bobobie body, dyed purple
~~Resinsoul Bao, standard body, in green
So once upon a time I saw Bei and was like.. OMG she's cute! and I thought that I'd love to make a little fairy family, with a little bei, Color indeterminate, but I KNEW I wanted a crazy color, cus I wanted to do a crazy face up. I knew I wanted to make a really cute little blue doll and a green doll, and if at all possible a purple doll. i thought, twin girls in different colors plus an older sister? (remember that Mei from earlier?) Well then I found out the whole shenanigans with the purple resin being SOOO gray and this group went into flux. I wanted a purple doll but the Mei was just... I didn't know. Finally when I decided on the deadwood dryad I dropped the purple doll out of the mix. By this time I was no longer enamored with the twins idea and I had seen a bao in a different wig than he's pictured in on the site... and he was so cheeky and cute... I loved him. So I needed to get myself him in green and the little bei in blue. NP ^o^ Then I saw a WONDERFUL dyed doll, the skin tone was even and lovely, and it was perfect. The dyed dolls I had see before were so horrifically mottled and rather ugly. So I thought to myself, if they can make their doll perfectly dyed, why couldn't you? So a little dyed purple bei (or perhaps a different sculpt since they WILL have more before I can buy her) got added back into the list.
Mermaid~ Minette soom head, soom torso, Peapod mermaid tail. Color white (preference) and purple (preference)
one of my first wishes when I got into the hobby was to have a mermaid doll, I saw the centaurs and thought to myself the only thing cooler than a centaur would be a mermaid. So I looked and kept an eye out... saw tinybear's dolls and was repulsed, Saw a SD special order for them, saw the numerous "mermaid" dolls that still had legs and was irritated to the max. then one blissful day I saw Peapod hooves while looking for hooves for pukipuki's When I cruzed their website I saw that they had a listing for "under the sea" and inside there was "witch" and "princess" and I about flipped my lid. then a long and arduous hunt for the perfect doll dragged out until Minnette came out. Ironically a centaur tiny had the head I wanted for my dolly and it would be a compatible company. I'm currently saving up for her via dieting rewards ^_^
Fairy land littlefee Soo Dark Elf female
I cam across this doll while I was looking for my mermaids head and I really fell for the little tramp. She's absolutely lovely. I'd like to have her some day but I doubt I'll ever have enough money to actually buy her. but some day.... I'd like to have her.
Fairyland Pukipuki (numerous face plates wanted)
I've always loved Pukipuki's. they are tinsy wincy, they are expressive, they have SOOO MANY face plates... yea I love them alllllll.... I really... REALLY want the polar bear face plate and the cat one. So SOME DAY! I shall have both for a little shifter Pukipuki... that will be same "story"/"world" as the pukifee
Centaur (Brand undecided)
Likely this will be soom's new centaur tiny either as part of the mer or on it's own. If I get the little bugger on it's own I'll get the alk/yrie head for it I have so few plans other than "HORSEY BUTT!" it's not funny. There is a TIIIINY chance that I might end up getting both a yrie and a minette and popping the heads between the pair.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Welcome to the Doom Sauce
So once again, I'm starting up something that it's really very likely that I won't keep up with just like my poor pitiful Live Journal. I have every intention of waxing idiotic on this so if that sorta shit bothers you I suggest you meander off to some less dorky person's blog.
One of the biggest reasons I think I am going to work with this is I want a place to kinda... chronically what all is going on with my dolls and kids... I'm not that interesting and other people may not find my dolls or my kids that interesting but I sure as hell do. So mostly this if for me.
In the really real life world we're being forced to move for the renovation of the apartment which means we're going to have to pay 80 bucks just to get our net and phone moved... NEXT DOOR. I mean talk about bullshit. the only part of our addy that's changing is the apt #... and it's only changing by ONE DIGIT T_T it's sick It's wrong and It's mean to me. DW just started a new job. It's temp but I'ma stay on where I was on his days off for some extra cash and hopefully we'll be able to actually sock away some real cash. We'll see how well that works >.<
Either way I've not got a whole lot more to say atm so... Laters
One of the biggest reasons I think I am going to work with this is I want a place to kinda... chronically what all is going on with my dolls and kids... I'm not that interesting and other people may not find my dolls or my kids that interesting but I sure as hell do. So mostly this if for me.
In the really real life world we're being forced to move for the renovation of the apartment which means we're going to have to pay 80 bucks just to get our net and phone moved... NEXT DOOR. I mean talk about bullshit. the only part of our addy that's changing is the apt #... and it's only changing by ONE DIGIT T_T it's sick It's wrong and It's mean to me. DW just started a new job. It's temp but I'ma stay on where I was on his days off for some extra cash and hopefully we'll be able to actually sock away some real cash. We'll see how well that works >.<
Either way I've not got a whole lot more to say atm so... Laters
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