About Me

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So I suppose I've gone and made this damn thing I might as well talk on it... My real name Is a bit common so call me Lynn, mother of two, married to my high school sweetheart, Got two cats and some bjd's. I'm eccentric and silly, but usually I'm kinda boring. What the hell are you doing reading my boring ass blog for? Dooooom Dooom Doooooooooom Go home now!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Long time no reason to talk

 So It's 2024 and I've been away from this blog for a long time.  Alot has happened and... honestly it's not been great.

In 2022 Mom died.  It still doesn't feel entirely real.  Tulip, April and a few other of mom's dolls are here with me but I can't really bring myself to play with them.  I regret not going and picking up mom's stuff because Ron is genuinely the worst.  He's cut us out of the actual packing up of mom's things because I asked him to tell me when he wanted to do stuff and then he just did it himself and put a bunch of mom's stuff up in a damn second hand store.

BUT  I can't think on that too long because I'll get all upset all over again.  That stuff is gone just like mom.  And I don't have to talk to him.  I wish him the best with his kidney cancer but also I'm not mourning him.  He was never my dad in any sense, he was always step but never in that whole "Stepped up" sense.  I was never "his" and it has shown especially sharply now that mom's passed.  If she can see I hope she didn't see what he did.  And maybe she'd be mad at me for not being more proactive but I've never liked pushing Ron.  It felt like pushing or like I'd be a vulture.  As bad as it is.  I really wish he'd have gone first.

As for Doll stuff. 

IDK what mom would think about it but I'm planning on making a doll in tribute to her, a fairy to join Fig and Lotus (and the possible Aster).  Mom loved yellow and she loved Sunflowers... So Helianthus, the sunflower fairy would be yellow, have the new doublejointed limbed body, and either go with the Winter head or figure out who is down there at the bottom with her... which might be the Nian?  I'm not sure.  And I'll have to figure out wings for her.  Maybe glassing wings... I know one of my other dolls is supposed to have like... Dragonfly wings...  so this would either be like... Maybe hawkwing wings?  IDK, having them be solid is not really what I'd planned on but Lotus has the shell stuff that was planned...

Anyway.  that's cooking

I just figured I'd poke in here.  I still love my dolls I just sorta lost the love of the social aspects due to some shitty friends and stuff.  Shey has a doll so maybe I just show that stuff to her.  IDK.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Oh Holy Shiiiiit!

Oh god!  Dracotaur!

Oh man... So I randomly got on resin soul... And they have Nian.. a dracotaur. 

And THUS cinder was DECIDED!

Ok, enough theatrics!  Nian is friggin cute, they are a dracotaur like the last batch were deer-taurs and I flippin love Lith, and I'm stupidly excited for a tauric dragon because dragon... and centaur...  My problem is colors.  Oh god colors.  -cinder- is supposed to be earth and fire.  So Lith is grey, purple and brown.  My first idea for Cinder was light grey or custom?, dark tan or black, and orange.  With the knowledge that I can straight up get the dragon parts I was looking for I'm kinda spazmatic on the whole "ok so now what color" thing because I'm not going to have to mod the doll.

SO!  Explanations?  Maybe?  So the Nian has the pixiu/pi tail and wings.  It has little claw feet and hands.  It has a unicorn horn...  Wait what?  Unicorn horn?  Yea.  Unicorn horn.  MOVING ON!  Any and all horns need to be the clear, but I'm also planning on making the wings clear.  I think I'm going to take Lith over to Cfay  and try Orn's feet on her to see if I like the way they fit.  Because I might get 4 pairs of feet for this little one.  The paws that it comes with, Hooves for the front feet, and maybe even Pixiu feet for the back, if the Pixiu feet fit. 

BUT!  I'm considering either orange or red for the clear bits, I'm really leaning towards orange, it's just so yes.  Cinder needs to be dark though, like ash and smoldering things... but I could go ashy and use dark grey for her butt then maybe a warmer color like a custom brown or even a red for her skin?  No If I did red I'd want that to be her fur... but I want there to be like... she's a burning coal.  I really think I want her fur (scales?) to be black, I need to ask Sun about that.  After I get an answer on if I can even -get- black resin then I guess I can decide if I wanna go with the black or if I wanna go with dark grey...  I just don't know what color skin I'll go with if I get dark grey.

But I'm scared to go with black.

It's such a pain to try and lighten a dark resin.  UGH!! but I want her to be dark!  T_T

Yea, not just gotta wait to see if Black is even an option.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

That time of year again

It's that time of year again...  The time of year I usually get a new doll... But I got lith so late in the year and I love the bits off of her... But I don't know who to get next... So lets run down the issues I'm having.

I have on my list
Mod dolls
A yellow fairy
A mermaid
Some other elemental dolls

K, so starting from the top.
Rosaline I'm still not all the way on because I wanna see them put out the fabled female dragon to see if I like it.  That puts her straight out right away... cus I COUUULD hodge podge her but Foo man... Why would I wanna purposefully make her when there is a real possibility she won't be right soon enough?

Zaria... Doesn't have her mom yet... And that is a bit of a hold up for me.

Aster is the most likely canidate... but I still havn't put the magnets in Either of my other fairies... And that kinda bugs me.

Cinder I don't have any really solid plans for... but still manages to be one of my more favored ideas.  I mean.. moar centarus because moar.  Cinder would be a bit more rough and tumble of a creature... but that's a bunch of mody stuff... Like adding the dragon tail and wings... That's not terrible but I have those other fairies I still haven't made wings for so....

Mod dolls... Well... I mean... I have the idea for the parts and bits that are laying around my house... and a spider idea... but... Well... Foo man... There's nothing solid enough here to grab onto.

Yellow fairy has the same issue as Aster plus I don't know her name yet.

Mermaid... I don't even know if I can get the tail anymore... plus that is a hellacious expensive doll/doll idea.

Other elementals... The water ones (steam, mud and mist)  all hinge on there being at LEAST fin ears if not mermaid tails.  Fire... Cinder and Steam are already talked about but Ash/smokewould be purple, gray and red and is possible but I haven't THOUGHT about that one.  Air is mist and smoke so those are covered and Earth is dust, mud  and cinder so I've covered all them...  I mean single elements are still a possibility but Meh.  If there was a mermaid tail I'd think differently.

And that brings us to the end of the dolls I've ever mentioned before... Leaving only the newest and possibly the least useful idea I've had.  Getting a fairyland doll.  We have puki fee and puki puki clothes we sell through our website...  Now... I could see about getting a puki of some kind or type.  But if I'm getting a model doll, I'd lean towards the fee because we've kinda dropped pukipuki.  But I don't LIKE the puki fees.  That does leave me with the one other doll they've put out that I'm kinda into... the real fee.  But of course that comes with the massive round of disappointment that I'd have to be buying a new one or a used one.  New ones... can't get all the things you see... and I'd have to wait waaaay long to get it.  Used I have to wait for someone to offer to sell what I want or buy parts and pieces.... Pain in the ass.

So that's where I am.  Mom and I have been making doll stuff for everyone else's dolls... not ours... and it makes me a bit sad... but yea.  Lith doesn't have her face yet and I don't think I wanna buy someone else until she does.  :/ sad.  but true.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Wigging out

Ugg.  I hate when the head cap is -just- not quite right, so you frog it cus it was long... and then it's short... ToT  Working on her wig sloooowly.  I'll get there I promise XD

Actually considering making her a "tail" wig if I can get it to work out right.  Wouldn't that be cute?  Especially if it's like... She's self conscious or something like that?  How cute is that?  Like IDK I'm weird and I think it's adorable.  BUT yea, trying to figure out wig and eyes, Wanna try and curl the tips of her hair with heat... Not sure how that'll go but yea.

Also, I'm waiting to post her on FB until she is more herself.  Her character would be mortified to be in pictures without looking complete... Not to mention I don't like posting 80 billion photos which is what I'd be prone to do if I just let myself post willy nilly.

Buuuuut yea.  She's gonna have lighter bangs, and her hair hair will be purple.  If she gets a tail wig it'll be in the white.  Cus I'm a loon.  PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Clippy clop!

So... Centaur... She's here, I love the shit out of her... I got her last friday, so the 19th.  It was a bit hairy scary though.  I knew she was supposed to come and saw that she was out for delivery.  So I sat at home and fidgeted all damn day.  In the afternoon, like 4 ish, I got frustrated and looked on the tracking... It said she had been undeliverable since no one was there...  >.>

Turns out Sun sent her to mom's house... mom was on vacation so no one was there to sign *siiiigh*  Oh well... after a bit of running around and learning about how things come into the sorting center and then go to the place where they'll be delivered from... I finally got her and brought her home and I'm in deep smit.  She's so damn cute I love the shit out of her.  I wish her horns and hooves were lighter though, I may actually order replacement ones in coffee or "tan" instead of "brown"  IDK, she's too cute for me not to love the shit out of her.

So yea, Lith is here, she already has some clothes, I'm working on a cute little shall for her right now!  ^_^  WOoo!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

week 4

Eeeerrgh!  Ok so tomorrow is 4 full weeks of waiting since I got my confirmation right?  Right?  Ok yea, it is.  4 weeks tomorrow... T_T Oh god I haven't had such a bad wait in a long time, this is as bad if not worse than Satie...  I'm like an expectant mother at the end of the pregnancy.  I'm so ready for the waiting to be over but I still have a MINIMUM of week left to wait.  starting tomorrow every day that I don't get a shipping notice is going to be HELL, especially cus I kinda expect she's gonna be a week late, which would mean 2 weeks to wait.  GRAAAHH!

So I've consoled myself with thinking about other stuff, like what eyes she's gonna have... XD I know, I know, that's not really other stuff... but oh well.  I'm trying to decide on an idea I had... I'm thinking about making Dust have different colored eyes.  I havn't decided yet if she has heterochromia because she's a cross element elemental and therefor has softly different colored eyes or if all the mixed elementals have heterochromia softly cus they are mixed and the ones that are cross element have mucked up eyes that are strongly different colors and maybe even like... have partial heterochromia...

BUT YEA!  Fun!  contemplating!  Waiting!  Ok the waiting isn't the fun part but yea... LATER!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Waiting and ruffles

Oh lord it's not even been a week since I got my confirmation and I'm STILL crazy over getting Lith and it's showing no signs of stopping.

One way that it's kinda manifesting right now is the fact that I'm going crazy about ruffles.  I found this really pretty "yarn" which they usually use to make those ruffle scarves and I'm using it to make ruffles to sew onto stuff... Now I just need soemthing to sew them onto... They are just so pretty and fluffy and I need dresses and stuff for them to be sewn too but I still need to get my desk figured before I put my machine up T_T  Not to mention what I wanna make to put the ruffles on is a dress for Lith and clearly I can't do that yet....

Problems!  So many problems!